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"I am with you and for you, for the great cause of our liberation!"

Address by Henry Winston, National Administrative Secretary of the Young Communist League, U.S.A., before the Youth Symposium, "Negro Youth and the Fight for Freedom," at the Second National Negro Congress, Philadelphia, October 17, 1937.


I am glad to be present at such a great gathering of my people—especially at a time when everyone can see that by the efforts of all the people we can achieve a better future, a better present.

Today, there is a new atmosphere in our country. There is a greater opportunity to work. Our people are more articulate, less willing to endure past indignities. They are asserting themselves more and more in the realms of art, literature, science and public life. They are being met with growing respect. Our protests over the unjust treatment of the Scottsboro boys, of Angelo Herndon and many others have aroused widespread indignation against injustice. There has resulted a strong, new breath of freedom.


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