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few: together with the white folk we are legion. Real democracy will mean the triumph over these economic royalists. And the day of triumph is approaching. To achieve these simple needs the American people have just begun to move. In the past year, millions of workers in the biggest and most important industries have organized. The great C.I.O is coming, like a new springtime, to the American workers. Its principle of the unity of all workers in an industry is bringing a new day to Negro toilers. Its victories are inspiring also the members of the American Federation of Labor. it is showing the way to a better life to millions of farm laborers and share-croppers, intellectuals and all people who are not living like parasites. The process of labor is moving our whole society. Realignments are taking place in politics. The government under Roosevelt has recognized the right of toiling people to organize and bargain collectively. More and more progressive currents have found their way into the once reactionary Democratic Party. The Republican Party was once a party of progress. Today, its leadership is largely in the hands of the economic royalists. Around it are flocking all the enemies of labor, of our people, and of progress. They are attempting to take that party as their own. Our people have begun to realize that it is only with labor that we can achieve our aims. Thus Negro labor is beginning to organize together with white labor. At the same time, our people are moving away from the economic royalists who are trying to control the Republican Party and are beginning to join with labor politically. In the name of my organization, I greet you as a loyal son 10 of my people. I wish you success. I will not only be an observer. I pledge the fullest cooperation of my organization. Dear friends, our organization has no other interest than that of Young America. We urge you to do all in your power to prevent what the Japanese militarists have brought to China, what Hitler has brought to the people of Germany, what Mussolini has brought to Italy, what both of the latter have brought to Spain. Whether we be Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, or Communists, we must join hands together with all progressive white people to achieve our common aims. We are proud of the achievements of our country. They form a monument to our labor. But there is another story within this great civilization. How many thousands of our people have been lynched and murdered? The bodies of all these thousands if heaped together would be an eternal monument of shame to the fifty-six families which dominate America. Shall this be allowed to continue! No, a thousand times no! All of together must unite to remove this shame from our country, to achieve real democracy, security for all, life with a purpose, meaningful and happy. 11