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[[caption]] ANGELO HERNDON Vice-President of the Young Communist League [[/caption]]


MAYBE you live in Harlem - the largest Negro community in the world.  Or perhaps you live on Chicago's South Side, or around Scoville Avenue in Cleveland, or in the Jim Crow section of Washington, Atlanta, or Birmingham - or on a cotton plantation in Mississippi or Louisiana.

Young Negroes may live in different places.  But they all face the common problems.

Hundreds of thousands of our fathers fled from the South, seeking freedom and equality of opportunity in the cities of the North.  But you cannot escape the problems faced by our people.

Philadelphia calls itself the City of Brotherly Love.  But Philadelphia segregates our people into its most crowded and unhealthy slum areas.

Jim Crow Knows No Boundary

In Boston, Crispus Attucks, a Negro, was the first brave fighter to fall before the guns of Britain, fighting for the