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The Young Communist League Helps Labor Movement -- Trains Leaders

For all these reasons, because the forces of labor, of democracy, of youth - are on the march, it is a good thing to be young today. Our future holds the possibilities of better things - of big things. It also holds the possibility of terrible things - of the victory in this country of fascism that would bring to our people everywhere oppression worse than that of the deepest South today.
How can we help this movement? How can we help ourselves to live better lives and our people to a better future?
The Young Communist League, of which I am proud to be a member and the national administrative secretary, believes that it is an organization that meets all of the needs of the Negro people.
It helps and cooperates with the progressives trade union movement, not only helping the organizing campaigns of these unions, but helps to education its members so that they can become active and constructive members of the working class organizations.

No Jim Crow in the Y.C.L.
It helps and cooperates with every movement for the defense of democracy, for the defense of labor's rights to organize. It holds classes and lectures to teach the youth of American what it would mean to lose those rights, and how to defend them. 
The Y.C.L. helps and cooperates in every way with the movements of the Negro people for liberation. Y.C.L. branches in the neighborhoods cooperate with other clubs


in campaigns to force chain stores and theaters to employ Negro workers. They conduct campaigns for more playgrounds in their neighborhoods, for better housing, for better housing laws.
You are anybody's equal in the Y.C.L. The Young Communist League draws no distinction between Negro youth and white - except to realize that the Negro youth have harder conditions to face, are worse oppressed, and special efforts must be made to help them win better conditions. As a Negro in the Y.C.L., you have a change to rise to leadership based on your merit. Angelo Herndon is the national vice-president of the Y.C.L.
Other young Negroes are among the outstanding leaders in our organization. In Chicago, there is Claude Lightfoot, who is not only a member of our National Board, but also of the Executive Committee of the Young Communist International.

The Y.C.L. Seeks Leaders from Negro Youth
John Grey is another Negro youth leader of our movement in Chicago. In New York, there are Tony Morton, Phil Arrindell, and Claudia Jones - all members of our National Council - all recognized as youth leaders in the community.
The State President of the Young Communist League of New Jersey is a young Negro, Elwood Dean. In Los Angeles, Lou Rosser; in Oakland, Newell Johnson; in Washington, Ed Felson; in Philadephia Bill Smith. These are just a few of the outstanding leaders in the Y.C.L. Throughout the country there are many, many more. They have found that our organization recognizes merit and sincerity wher-