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—that is, refuse to buy from—all stores in the Negro neighborhoods that will not hire Negro workers. Not only the Negro, but also the white workers, should make a fight on those stores that refuse to hire Negro workers.

But there are definite limits to the results to be obtained by a boycott. First of all, this struggle is confined to stores in the Jim-Crow districts, And this movement applies only to such stores. But most of the jobs are not in stores at all, but in factories and mines. To be effective, the fight must be carried on jointly by Negro and white workers and must extend far beyond the confines of the Jim-Crow district.


In every city the Unemployed Councils have rallied the workers to present demands before local officials. The Unemployed Councils and their block committees fight to prevent the evictions of the jobless. They form committees to take individual workers and their families to the relief stations and get immediate aid.

We saw, in the case of Norman Smith, that only when the Unemployed Councils came on the scene, was anything actually done. The Unemployed Councils of the various cities, uniting Negro and white toilers together, have been able to gain relief for many jobless families; have been able to prevent evictions of the unemployed; have been able to prevent the cutting down of relief.

After Angelo Herndon, young Negro organizer of the Unemployed Council, had led Negro and white workers in a demonstration before the City Council, the authorities


were forced to vote an additional $6,000 for relief for the unemployed.

By militant and united action, the unemployed of Chicago forced the city to revoke a cut in the amount of relief. In St. Louis, after a furious struggle, the jobless workers, Negro and white, forced the city relief bureaus to put 13,000 names back on the rolls.

What are the demands of the Unemployed Councils? As various questions come up in different neighborhoods, the Unemployed Councils fight for these immediate needs. But there are certain general demands that the Unemployed Councils are fighting for all over the country. These are:

1. Immediate relief for the unemployed, $50 for each unemployed worker, $10 for each dependent. This is to be given by the Federal government in addition to the local relief.

2. Unemployment Insurance, at the expense of the bosses and government.

3. No discrimination against Negroes on the job or at relief stations.

From a system of Federal unemployment insurance, the Negroes would have the most to gain. Fired first, hired last, denied even the few crumbs of relief granted to the white workers, abused and terrorized—the Negro workers stand in the greatest need of such a system of unemployment insurance. Their jobs are the least secure; their chance of getting aid is the least of all the workers.

Well-fed misleaders among the Negro people (the DuBoises, the Pickenses, the Walter Whites) tell the Negroes not to fight. They say there is no use fighting. They say