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and happiness. For this man, more than any other in this country, has command of that scientific method and skill developed by Marx and Engels and carried on to its world-determining victories by Lenin and Stalin, and knows how to combine them with the native American instinct and understanding which have made our country great among nations. Through the past many years his has been the guiding mind in many of the biggest struggles of the American workers and farmers. This man worked by the side of William Z. Foster in the Trade Union Unity League, sharing his responsibilities and participating in the struggle for amalgamation of the trade unions into the industrial union form, which now is coming to triumphant fruition in the American Federation of Labor. It is therefore quite natural that the nomination I am about to make is one proposed by our Comrade Foster to us who share with him the leadership of our Party. Foster, the organizer of the greatest strike that has until recently been known in America——the Great Steel Strike of 1919-1920——the Foster who carried the standard of the Communist Party in the past three national elections, therefore, is the originator of this nomination. 

Whatever candidate enters this national election must be a man who is able to face the crisis of war, and this candidate is one who has faced it, not as the powers of Wall Street would have preferred, but by a rousing cry to the workers of America that they must fight against the war! Our candidate is one who already has known the inside of prisons, in the fight against the war.

Our candidate, blood and bone of America, is recognized around the world as a leader among the world leaders of the labor movement. And most important of all, he is known, not just in imperialist countries, but also among the oppressed and suffering and rapidly rising revolutionary peoples of Latin America——the countries under Wall Street imperialism——known as a friend and the leader in their struggle for freedom.

Comrade chairman and fellow delegates, I propose that this convention now nominate for President of the United States, Earl Browder.


Earl Browder


FRIENDS, you have placed upon me a heavy responsibility. 

You call me to carry the standard of the Communist Party and the platform which alone,of all parties and platforms in this election, gives the correct answer to all the most burning problems of the people. Our enemy is Wall Street——the reactionaries, the enemies of the people. The battle is difficult and complicated. The enemy is strong, ferocious, and unscrupulous, an octopus with a thousand poisonous arms. The battle calls for all our strength and wisdom. We are organizing an army of the liberation of the people. No person can hold a responsible post in it, unless he is ready to subordinate himself to the collective will and wisdom of the whole army. It is in this spirit that I accept the nomination which you offer me.

We have weighed our tasks frankly and realistically. We see that the chief enemy of the peace, freedom and prosperity of the American people is the Republican Party and its reactionary allies, Hearst, the Liberty League, Wall Street.

Roosevelt and his administration have been retreating before the attacks of reaction, surrendering position after position. Even the Philadelphia platform,with its progressive note and ringing promises, accepts as final the Supreme Court's usurped power to block their realization until three-fourths of the states have ratified a Constitutional amendment. 

The self-styled Union Party of Lemke and Coughlin is the product of a Hearst-Liberty League intrigue. Lemke is clearly but a stooge for Landon. His platform is even more dishonest than that