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Official Organ of the Int'l Trade Union Comm. of Negro Workers.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief:  Charles Woodson
Contributing Editors: Cyril Briggs, J.W. Ford (U.S.A.)
C. Alexander (West Indies)
H. Crichlow (British Guiana)
A. Ward (London)
W. Daniel (West Africa)
M. Nelson (Liberia) 
J. Gomas, E.T. Mofutsanysna (South Africa)

[[2 column table]]

|CONTENTS | Page |
| Editorials | 1 |
| Development of Fascist Terror in Gold Coast | 4 |
| Anti - War Congresses | 7 |
| Fight for the Freedom of Abyssinia | 9 |
| Is Imperialist Japan The Friend of Negro Toilers | 14 |
| Organisational points | 16 |
| Resolutions adopted at the London | Conference | 20 |
| Our letter Box | 23 |
| Notes and Comments | 29 |

NOTE change of adress [[address]] on back cover.

Workers of the World, Unite!
The Negro Worker
No. 5.  SEPTEMBER 1934.  Vol. 4.
Sir P. Cunliffe - Lister, British Colonial Secretary, is in a frenzy because <> is exposing the slave rule of British Imperialism in the African colonies.

According to press reports, the Gold Coast delegation, headed by Nana Sir Ofori Atta, which journeyed to England to protest against the Sedition Bill adopted in that colony, was received by Sir P. Cunliffe - Lister, the Governor of the Gold Coast colony, Sir Shelton Thomas, and other officials.

The delegation voiced their protest, demanding the withdrawal of this vicious slave Bill which was enacted to prevent the circulation of revolutionary literature in the colony and to muzzle the native press against any criticism of the oppressive measures of the colonial robbers.

Stating his refusal to withdraw the Bill, the Colonial Secretary produced a copy of <>, read extracts from it and declared that <>, which he flung on the floor, were pouring into the colony.

<> takes pride in the fact that despite all obstacles, its message is penetrating the slave pens of British Imperialism and is causing discomfort to the exploiters.  We can assure the <> and <> Colonial Secretary and his ilk, that we shall leave no stone unturned to break through the barrier erected, and carry to the native toilers the message of revolutionary struggle as the only way out of the barbarous slave exploitation and national oppression to which they are subjected by the British ruling class.

In reply to a question in the House of Commons, the Colonial Secretary assured his fellow exploiters, <>

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