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Why then the Sedition Bill? The answer to this is not far to seek. The Agrarian Crisis in West Africa, as a part of the world Economic Crisis, has created unprecedented destitution among the workers and poor peasants whose products are left unsold unless they dispose of them to the big companies for next to nothing. Wholesale dismissals of workers and civil servants swell the ranks of the already large army of unemployed. Reduction in the already miserable low wages of the workers are constantly being carried through. Hunger, poverty and degradation is the lot of the vast masses of toilers.

Mr. W.G. Ormsby - Gore, First Commissioner of Works, addressing the Royal Empire Society's Summer School, said that <>... <>

The colonial exploiters are in deadly fear of a revolt of the native toilers against their poverty stricken condition.  They tremble at the thought of a black toiling class rising to smash the slave system.  To intimidate the working class and force them into submission they enact more and more repressive measures.  Despite their boast, they are not so certain about the loyalty of the natives.  They hear the rumblings and are deadly afraid lest these awakened <> slaves, tear asunder their chains and put an end to the whole barbaric system of exploitation and oppression.

THE COLONIAL TOILERS MUST HAVE NO ILLUSIONS.  Delegations to their oppressors to beg relief from their oppression will not help their fight one whit.  ONLY THEIR ORGANIZED MASS RESISTANCE CAN FORCE CONCESSIONS FROM THE COLONIAL RULERS.

The toilers of the Gold Coast must not take the decision of the Colonial Secretary as final.  They must not give up the fight as lost.  They must mobilise the workers and peasants throughout the Colony in mass protest meetings and struggles against the Sedition Bill and all other oppressive measures enacted by the colonial rulers.



In a previous issue of <> we have already exposed the vicious discrimination practised against Negroes in the London hotels and boarding houses. Now, we learn from press reports that M.A. Dookie, the West Indian champion long distance runner, and other coloured athletes who were participating in the Empire games, had the greatest difficulty in finding accomodation.

Seventy hotels had been applied to and all refused to accommodate the coloured athletes. Some of the proprietors wanted to know: <>

This is in England, the <> country, where all the King's subjects are supposed to share equally of the abounding <>. At any rate this is the lying propaganda dispensed in the colonies.

When the black colonials enter the portals of <>, they soon discover something else.  They discover that the Imperialists who coin huge profits out of the blood of the West Indian and African toilers have different ideas as to the application of <> and <> to the King's subjects in black skin. 

To be on an equal social footing with their overlords will never do - lest they forget their place. 

We propose to our comrades in the Negro Welfare Association and the Anti-Imperialist League in England to commence a serious fight against this abominable discriminatory practice by initiating a campaign for the adoption of a Civil Rights Law in Great Britain which will make it a punishable offence to deny service to anyone in public places on account of race, colour or nationality. 

The English workers must be in the forefront in this struggle for equal rights for all colonials.

NEGRO AND WHITE WORKERS! _ Rally to the fight against every form of discrimination and segregation!

The Management of the Hotel Empire in New York City were forced to accept coloured patrons, after four days of picketing, by the League of Struggle For Negro Rights, in July. 

Fight all segregation and discimination against Negroes.
