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[[image - cartoon]] [[caption]] Help, quick Governor! The Sedition Bill at once! Their thousands strong this foul and obnoxious tract!! "The Negro Worker" gives the British Colonial Secretary sleepless nights. [[/caption]] DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIST TERROR IN THE GOLD COAST By W. Daniels. We have now entered into a new era that has been nicknamed the <> regime. With Governor Thomas Whiteleg Shenton Thomas at the head of Administration and J.C. Howard as his Attorney General, there is at present a wave of political outrage in the country. These two official demagogues have got the able assistance of Colonel Banford the Inspector General of the Police and his C.I.D. gang to assist in their efforts to crush down the aspirations of the people in every form. -4- Since the arrival in the colony in November last of Comrade Wallace-Johnson who started to arouse the interest of the public in the case of the nine Scottsboro Negro boys, it is obvious that the authorities have become indignant. On the 24th December 1933, Comrade Wallace-Johnson was formally arrested by a plain-clothes Superintendent of police which arrest after all, ended in a cock-and-bull denial of the action b y a Commissioner of Police in the face of private admission of a prostitution of office by the Superintendent concerned. The task of arousing public interest in the case of the Scottsboro Boys is frought with great difficulties for, everywhere Comade Wallace-Johnson goes, he is overshadowed by British Imperialists and whitewashed missionaries who are using all forces at their disposal to impede the progress of the Scottsboro Appeal. At Nsawan, it is reported, that a European Missionary (a Superintendent of Education) of the Methodist Denomination raised objections to the teachers and scholars of the Methodist Schoold attending a Scottsboro Meeting. His objections were as follows: - 1) His personal disbelief of the story of the Scottsboro Boys in the face of world wide expressions of opinions of the innocence of the boys which has been established beyond any degree of doubt. This means that though this Missionary is getting his stomach full from the product of the African soil, he is in favour of the attitude of the American Lynchers against the Negroes in that country. His second objection is that he does not see any reason why Negro children in Africa should be bothered with what was happening with Negro children in America. The statements of this Missionary reveals the role of Missionaries who are being sent to Africa to preach the gospel of peace and love to the Negroes. Nevertheless, barring his objections and in the face of a heavy downpour of rain, the children of the African Institution, and those of the Presbyterian School and many of those from the Methodist School turned up to listen to the story of their suffering brothers and were verymuch moved and promised in the face of every objection to show their interest in a pactical form. Muzzling the Press. Owing to the activities of the Gold Coast Press in broadcasting appeals in the interest of the Scottsboro case and in championing the cause of the Colonial peoples in general as well as exposing the cruelties and atrocities that are being meted out to the toiling masses by the British Imperialists in the Gold -5-