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<< The Delegation from the subject peoples to the Youth Congress against War and Fascism place on record the following: 
That in respect of the struggle of the masses against British Imperialism for their complete independence, and against the native exploiting classes, the Congress appreciates that its support of this struggle can only find effective expression through the development of the widest possible mass struggle against the National Government of British Imperialism. This delegation recognises that the role of the subject masses must be expressed through the mass development of the economic and political struggle against British Imperialism. This can only develop from the building of mass organisations, Trade Unions for industrial and agricultural workers and peasant organisations. 
The organisation and development of the economic struggle of the subject masses of the British Empire, and their transformation into political action of a mass character is the only effective weapon against the forces of imperialist and native exploitation.
This Delegation pledges itself on its return to organize the widest possible activities in the building of a united front of all genuine anti-Imperialist forces as the most effective form of struggle against. Fascism and War.>>
Women's Congress against War.
Over 1000 delegates attended the International Women's Congress against War and Fascism, held in Paris, Aug. 4-6. Almost every country was represented including Japan, China, Indonesia and the Soviet Union.  
Among the 30 American delegates, were 3 Negro women. One of them, a 45-year old farm worker represented the Share-croppers' Union which is militantly fighting for the rights of the poor farmers in the South of the United States.
The Congress discussed the position of working class women throughout the capitalist world and it was concluded that only by attacking the roots of the cause of War and Fascism - the system of profits and privileges - can women become free and peace become a certainty. 
The Congress called for the mobilization of all women to form a mighty revolutionary front of struggle against Fascism and War. 
Among the special resolutions adopted were one calling for the freedom of Thaelman and the Scottsboro Boys and another calling for the support of the struggles of the Colonial women. 


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By J.S.
The independence of Abyssinia was never more menaced than at present, it was never more necessary than it is now, to direct the attention of the toiling masses of the imperialist countries and of Abyssinia itself to the fact that the imperialists are now doing everything in their power to capture Abyssinia with provocatory methods and with arms. Only the joint struggle of toilers of the imperialist countries and of Abyssinia can avert the danger. 
Abyssinia is a highly coveted country for plunder. Here, on the one hand, British, Japanese and American interests cross each other, and on the other hand, Italian and French rivalry for control and domination. 
The significance of Abysinnia for the imperialists is determined by its key position in Africa and by its wealth. 
1) It is a territory which is cut off from the sea, but on account of its potential importance as against the narrow coast colonies - Eritrea and the three Somalies  - it can dominate the coast and thereby occupy a key position in the Indian Ocean. This position means that the coastal colonies will always have to defend themselves against Abyssinia.
2) the special importance for the French imperialists lies in the fact that Djibuti is the only naval base of France in the North Indian Ocean where the sea routes to Indo - China and Madagascar lie. It is a coal and oil station and a fortified port for the French navy. The French railway line in Djibuti - Addis-Ababa (the only railway line in Abyssinia) provides the French with the possibility of making sure of the Hinterland. 
3) Abyssinia is a country which dominates the most important cotton growing areas -  Egypt and the Anglo - Egyptian Sudan. It dominates these areas, on the one hand, through the fact that the mighty Blue Nile has its source in Abyssinia and that it gets most of its water from the glaciers of Abyssinia (through the Tanasee Basin), and on the other hand through its strategic position in the Nile regions.
4) Italy had to give up its expansionist plans when the Italian troops were defeated in Adua by the heroic Abyssinia fighters. The plans of the Italian imperialists to conquer this region was frustrated and Abyssinia put itself between the two Italian colonies - Eritrea and Somali - and destroyed the linking up of these two colonies.
5) Abyssinia has rich natural resources and besides that 
