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relations which formerly existed between Japan and Abyssinia will thereby be extended and strengthened. This fact is interpreted in the European circles of Addis-Ababa as a very serious change in Abyssinia's policy and as a sign of the decline of European influence. >>

Counter - attacks are not excluded. The British - American preliminary discussions on the American Tana dam ended <> and a joint British-American concession ensures the united front of the two cotton powers against Japanese penetration. The Italian and British imperialists are proceeding to an active offensive. England as well as Italy has begun to carry out a provocative policy with regard to Abyssinia. 

The slave problem is again being raised in the name of <>and it is maintained that in Abyssinia there is not only slavery and the slave trade but that British subjects from the Sudan or from Kenya are also being dragged into slavery. - Abyssinia is accused of tolerating banditry so that British and Italian subjects in the border territories are always being disturbed by bandits. 

Italy as well as England tries to instigate revolts against the Central Powers in Abyssinia which are to lead to the destruction of the Abyssinia State which is built up along feudal lines in order to then recognize the princes as Italian or British vassals.

Finally it is maintained that the boundaries in the West as well as in the South are not yet exactly determined and that boundary regulations must urgently be carried out.
If one takes into account that England as well as Italy have brought about armed conflicts since 1932 and that Italian or British troops have pursued <> on <> for all attacks, as was stated.

The French press reported the unrest and stated that the Italian King was greeted by two princes from the Tigre district, which is neighboring territory to Eritrea, as they <> in Eritrea. 

<> reports  <> looking for in Eritrea and of finding out whether this does not imply an act of treason. It is recalled that a similar accident took place a few months before when the princes from Southern Abyssinia were received by the Italian state secretary for Colonies.>>

The toilers of Abyssinia must very clearly see that at no time was there a greater danger than there is at present. The imperialists are of course fighting among themselves for the Abyssinian booty, but for them there is only one question and that is: how this booty can be divided in such a way that all the robbers could feel themselves half way satisfied. <> one imperialist against another as the ruling class of Abyssinia is endeavoring to do means nothing else but the accelerated surrender of Abyssinia to the imperialists. Only a struggle of the toilers of Abyssinia jointly with the oppressed masses of the imperialist powers against all imperialist robbers can prevent them from carrying out their plunder. 

Editors Note: A statement in the London <> of April 24, 1934, has revealed the existence of a agreement between England and fascist Italy to respect each other's sphere of influence in Abyssinia. The statement reports a discussion between the Italian and British Governments, on the question of the Abyssinian cotton concessions to Japan, which is viewed by Italy <>, and that, <>

The reply of Abyssinia to the war threats of Mussolini is the reorganisation and strengthening of her armed and defence forces under he direction of a Belgian military mission. 
