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A Review - by H.D.

Under the title <>, Harry Haywood, National Secretary of the League of Struggle for Negro Rights, has written an article which appeared in the American <>. While the article deals specifically with the United States, I think it is of general interest to Negro toilers the world over. It is unfortunate, owing to the great length of the article, that if is unsuited for publication in the <>. 

The article exposes the attempts of the Japanese imperialists (in their rivalry with other Imperialist nations) to utilize the pent-up desires of the Negro people for freedom! the healthy hatred of the darker peoples against imperialists, and to turn the revolutionary upsurge of the coloured masses into channels for the interest of Japanese imperialism - <>, says Haywood. 

The sly Japanese rulers, aided by certain Negro misleaders, are attempting to turn the Negro masses from struggle against imperialism into reactionary channels. Haywood says: - <> but the voice is the voice of the imperialist oppressors. It is not accidental, therefore, that the impetus of this movement in America, among the Negro people, has leapt forward with the sharpening of the tension between American and Japanese imperialism for mastery of the Pacific... The Japanese rulers, in their conflict with American imperialism, have not overlooked the fact that the liberation struggles of 13 million Negroes constitute an explosive sector in the rear of American Imperialism. It is quite natural that they seek to use this Achilles' heel for the purpose of weakening their enemy>>. 

But, asks Haywood: <> He ably proves that they cannot. The blood of the colonial peoples of Korea and Formoza stains the hands of the Japanese rulers. The seizure of Manchuria and other Chinese territory against the will of these oppressed peoples, as well as the brutal treatment of the Japanese workers and peasants at home where hunger, unemployment and long hours of toil are their only lot, all belie the <> motives of Japanese imperialism for the Negro 


people. Added to this is their strenuous efforts to wage war against the Soviet Union, as Haywood says, <>

The slogan of <> is used by Japan to cover up the designs for expansion and for support in its conflict with other imperialist rivals. <>, points out Haywood and what's more this slogan is <>. <>

Cites History.

Discussing the question of utilizing the difficulties of the Imperialist rulers to strike a blow for freedom, Haywood clearly points out the danger of supporting one imperialist power against another. He cited the example of the methods used by the Allies in collusion with sections of the African chiefs to <> revolts in the German colonies, during the last World War. The result was the exchange of the Germain Imperialist slave driver for the French, British, Belgian and Italian rulers over the masses who thought they were fighting for freedom... <>, he emphasises. 

Against the slogan of unity with Japn, Haywood raises the slogan of <