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What Must be Done?

In every port town where there is no union or organized group functioning, individual or groups of seamen, dockers, boatmen, etc., should get together and discuss the necessity and importance of organizing a Seamen and Harbour Workers Union. Where there is a union or organized group of existence it should take the initiative in organizing such discussions and in drawing the most militant and active elements into the leadership of the work. 

A first step in the direction of organizing a union should be the establishment of small groups of 5 to 7 on the docks, among the seamen on the ships and among the boatmen. As a beginning and to make the work more effective, two or three of the biggest and most important ships and docks or yards should be selected in order to concentrate activities and gain decisive re-selected in order to concentrate activities and gain decisive results. After the establishment of such active and functioning groups, general meetings of all the workers should be called to discuss their conditions of work and their grievances and the necessity of organization to better their conditions. The calling of such meetings will of course depend on certain specific situations. In those countries where there are no great restrictions open meetings can be called. In the others like Lagos, Nigeria, where organizations are banned, the meetings will have to be small and held secretly. 

At these meetings, the purpose and necessity of a union should be thoroughly discussed, a number of demands worked out discussed and adopted by the workers. COMMITTEES OF ACTION should be elected, whose task will be to agitate among the workers and draw them into the groups.

The main function of the ship and dock groups must be the mobilization of the workers for struggle to obtain the demands adopted. 

With the formation of real live functioning groups, which will take up every grievance of the workers (flogging, bad food, fines, small pay and long hours, etc.), unite the workers to put up an effective resistance to every attack of the bosses and to fight for better conditions, the groups be able to win over the workers for the organization of a strong and militant Union of Seamen and Harbour Workers, which will be the only effective instrument in the hands of the workers, to improve their living conditions.
The following should be included among the demands:

1. An 8-hour day and double pay for overtime;


2. 3 watches on deck and 4 in the engine room. 

3. An increase of pay for seamen, dockers, boatmen, etc., three meals a day for coastal workers at the expense of the shipowners. 

4. Equal pay for equal work regardless of colour or nationality or sex. Complete equalization of the colonial and white water transport workers. Abolition of all discrimination on account of colour.

5. Against floggings and fines. Against the system of <> and <> to headmen, foremen, etc.

6. For the right to organize and strike and the freedom of meeting and speech.

7. Financial relief for the unemployed at the expense of the ship owners and the Government. 

These demands should be supplemented with other demands based on specific local grievances. 

The struggle of the colonial seamen is closely connected with that of the white transport workers. The colonial seamen in the European and other countries must establish close working contact with the white seamen who are fighting the same enemy - the shipowners.

Only through their organized power and in joint struggle with the white and other colonial seamen, can the Negro transport workers effectively struggle to win their demands and put a stop to the increasing attacks of the shipowners against their living standards.

A WARNING TO THE WORKERS! - Do not let the Native headmen and other agents of the bosses penetrate your organization. Their role will be to spy on the workers, report them to the ship owners so that they can be discharged and to break up the workers' organizations. 

NEGRO TRANSPORT WORKERS! Forward with the task of organizing and building a powerful militant Seaman and Harbour Workers Union! 

(In the next issue we will discuss the problem of organization among the Negro miners.)

Negro Transport Workers!
Refuse to handle or transport War material!
