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to rob them of their land and to exploit the mineral resources of that country.

It must be quite clear to the workingclass [[working class]] of S. Africa that <> only means intensified exploitation and repression of the whole working population. They can not free themselves from oppression by supporting one Imperialist group against the other. The toilers of South Africa must know that their only salvation lies in organizing themselves for the joint struggle aainst [[against]] all Imperialist domination, for the complete overthrow of British and Boer Imperialism. Such is the task of the toiling masses in South Africa ! M. G.


By Wallace-Johnson.

Up to the moment the real cause for introducing such drastic laws as are contained in the Criminal Code Amendment Bill of this Colony has not been satisfactorily explained by the Government. The reason originally assigned by the Attorney General Mr. J. C. Howard was that a similar Bill is in operation in Nigeria and there is a contemplation to introduce it in Sierra Leone. This reason having failed to carry any weight to the ears of the general public, the Governor came to the rescue of the Attorney General by the issuing of a Gazette <> on the 22nd February to give a fuller explanation as the reason for the introduction of the Bill and stated among other things that for over two years Seditious organisations bave [[have]] been very active everywhere and have been pouring Seditious Literature into the Colony with the aim of destroying law and order. It is however interesting to note that up to the present the names of the Seditious Organisations and Literatures have not been given out. This makes it clear that there is much more behind the Sedition Bill than has been brought to light by the Government.

The introduction of the Criminal Code Amendment Bill has, however, brought into light certain hidden facts. It has, in the main, revealed the fact that the British Government has so far, failed to fulfil its obligations as far as the Bond executed with the people in 1844 and other documents are concerned and that for fully 90 years Britain has been carrying on, in the Gold Coast, a policy that is in direct opposition to the terms of the agreement contained in the Bond under which she assumed control 


of the people's destiny. According to the terms of the Bond, it could be easily seen that the Gold Coast is no more a Cololny [[Colony]] than Britainherself [[Britain herself]], but an allied country to the Brtish [[British]] Empire. In the Bond, Britain also pledges herself not to rule or legislate for the people by force or tyrany [[tyranny]] and never to make laws without the consent of the Chiefs and Kings and to always fashion the laws of the country as those in existence in Britain herself or in other words as the Laws of England. But in face of all these obligations, the Governor and Attornay [[Attorney]] General of the country boldly asserted in the Legislative Council, when trying to force down the throats of the African members (with their official majority) the Criminal Code Amendment Bill, that the Bill is not in accordance with the English Law because the English law is not good for Africans. This statement of course, became an eye-opener to the people to the effect that Britain has broken her faith with them and they have therefore become more determined to get her to fulfil her obligations or to make her realise the fact that she has destroyed the foundations of relationship with them.

Conditions in the GoldCoast [[Gold Coast]] are even worse than in Nigeria. It is obvious that for manyyears [[many years]], the Government has been allowed to carry out its duties and obligations in a ship-shod manner without paying any heed whatever to the needs of the people. At the moment, African employees in public services of the country are badly remunerated. Many youngwomen [[young women]] are engaged in Maternity hospitals as nurses without any remuneration whatever and yet are made to be responsible for breakages and losses no matter how they happen. Hosts of redundant European officials are at the moment retained in the services of the Government under salaries ranging from 750 tot [[to]] 1500 pounds per annum plus free houses and other accomodations [[accommodations]]. 

The Education policy of the Government is undergoing a cow's-tail growth and Achimota College is fast becoming a family Trust for the maintenanceof [[maintenance of]] a certain European family wherein father, sister, child, mother and brethren are in sole control.

African employees in public services are in most cases living in ramshackles and the Government is stil [[still]] strictly adhering to its policy of keeping Africans at a distance of a quarter of a mile from the nearest European residence without paying any heed to the needful cause of providing better quarters for African employees and many houses built from public funds at exhorbitant [[exorbitant]] costs are standing un-occupied because there are no Europeans to live in them.


Transcription Notes:
did not correct British spelling variants in square brackets; other spelling/spacing corrections are in square brackets