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Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Charles Woodson
Contributing Editors:  Cyril Briggs, J. W. Ford (U.S.A.)
 C. Alexander (West Indies)
 H. Crichlow (British Guiana)
 A. Ward (London)
 W. Daniel (West Africa)
 M. Nelson (Liberia)
 J. Gomas, E. T. Mofutsanyana (South Africa).

[[2-column table]]

Contents | Page
Anglo-Boer Imperialism & the Protectorates - Editorial | 1.
An Appeal to the Negro Workers | 5.
Statement of the Saar delegation on Thaelmann | 8.
The Struggle for the Independence of Liberia | 9.
The Expulsion of George Padmore | 14.
The Second Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union | 16.
Starvation, Misery and Terror in Dutch Guiana | 19.
Stop the disruptive tactics of the Negro Leaders | 21.
The Native revolt in Togoland | 25.
Notes and Comments | 27.

Workers of the World, Unite!
The Negro Worker
Nr 2.  JUNE 1934.  VOL. 4.


One more attempt is being made by the South African Government to gain control and extend its brutal slave system over the natives of the British protectorates of Basutoland, Swaziland and Bechuanaland. General Hertzog has announced the intention of the South African Government to apply for the transfer of these territories to the Union Government. The South African landowning class has for a long time sought to grab the rich agricultural and cattle lands from the natives of these areas and turn the landless natives into slaves on the confiscated farms.

This policy of the South African ruling class would have been carried trough long ago were it not for the conflicting interests between the Boer landowning class and British finance capital which dominates the mining industry. But the advent of the coalition Government between Boer and Briton which was forced on the ruling Nationalist Party, the representatives of the landowning class, by the terrific agrarian and financial crisis, has provided the basis for agreement between the two sections of South African capitalism for a joint policy in intensifying the exploitation and oppression of the working class as a whole and in particular of the native masses.

In the acquisition of the protectorates there will now be no reason for quarrel between the agrarian capitalists and the Chamber of Mines. Just as in the Union, the land owners will steal the best lands from the natives and force them into peonage to produce huge profits for these parasites. It will be a means of attempting to solve the agrarian crisis and allay the discontent among the bankrupt farmers, by parceling out the native's land to them. On the other hand, the mining magnates will celebrate another <>, for these territories will become the <> for cheap labour supply for the Rand Mines and for the exploitation of the mineral wealth of Bechuanaland.