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attached. They demanded the key positions in Liberia, the most important controlposts and an actual division of Liberia.

Germany on its part recognizing of course that the League of Nations is an instrument of the British and French Imperialists, tried to secure the domination of Liberia through other means-in the form of a Danish-German consortium. This consortium was to get an enormous amount of land, concessions to build roads, railways, harbours, etc. But this brought about a storm of protest from the Imperialist robbers, who did not intend to allow Germany to share in the loot.

What was the attitude of the government of Liberia? Who fought against the imperialist robbers and in what way? How was the struggle waged against the imperialists?

The Liberian Government faithfully served the imperialist robbers. It was the government that faithfully served the American Imperialists and it is the government which then allowed the British, French and German robbers to come into the foreground. This did not take place by any means because they could hope to be rescued by the League of Nations.

The American imperialists however had not become so weakened as some groups of the dominant stratum of Liberia thought, in order to have to give up Liberia to the other imperialists without resistance. Through its «Liberian Friends» America tried to still further deepen American influence. Widespread and profound actions of the American imperialists were to have frustrated the British-French-German plans.

The action of the American imperialists is well prepared. Official and non-official circles of Liberia and the United States conduct propaganda for the American imperialists. And such papers as, for instance, «Afro-American» are also in the service of this propaganda.

A conference of Liberian interests was held in Washington and the leadership of the conference was in the hands of Dr. Henry L. West, secretary of the «American Colonisation Society», and by Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., According to the reports, there was a unanimous opinion that the plan of the League of Nations should be rejected and that "American aid" for Liberia should not be spared. Bishop W. E. Matthews declared that the old relations of the United States should take he place of he League of Nations plan. Dr. Emmet J. Scott, from Howard University, also declared that the relations of Liberia and United States should be the old relations. Dr. Ernest Lyon, a lawyer representing the large financial interests, spoke very vehemently against the plans of the League of Nations.

Approximately at the same time the arch-bishops, bishops and similar high personages of the church held a conference in

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Pittsburgh where «freedom» was demanded for Liberia.
Finally, the «Times» of February 24 reports that the Liberian government is sending two competent Liberian citizens to America in order the negotiate with the finance Corporation of America and to «adjust its difference with the Finance corporation with the least possible delay».

[[image: black and white photograph of an African American with a steel collar and chain around his neck]] [[caption]] IN LIBERIA, AFRICA A native chained by the neck and forced to work on the roads. [[/caption]] [[image: black and white photograph of an African American sitting on a bench in a prisoner's uniform, chained at the neck, wrists and ankles]] [[caption]] IN GEORGIA, U. S. A. Chained by the neck in a Muscogee County chain gang camp. [[/caption]]

Under such conditions, the paper «Afro-American» arranged a goodwill tour to Liberia. W. M. Jones, the leader of this tour had the task of solving the problems of Liberia. In reality it was a tour in the interest of the American imperialists. He wrote a number of articles in which good advice was given as to how the Liberian problem was to be solved. When he wrote about how the conflicts of the natives with the Americo-Liberians are to be solved -- and he described these as tribal conflicts -- he thought that 90% of such conflicts could be solved verey well by a good baseball team, by athletic exercises and picnics.

When he spoke with Chief Mambu who complained about the low prices for native products, Mr. Jones assured the chief that he had thought a great deal about these problems and thought that America would pay the highest prices for rice and coffee and anything else that they produced.

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Transcription Notes:
« » - French quotation marks