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and form a local police.  The government of the territory is effected through a Commissar of the Republic, an Administrative Council and a Judicial Administrative Council.


It goes without saying that German Imperialism considers that its interest have been injured by the annexation of the territories of Togoland and the Cameroons. Taking advantage of the discontent of the broad masses of the population, which arose as a consequence of the economic crisis and the frightful fiscal pressure, under which the natives are groaning, the <> (the Union of the German Togo Provinces) is carrying on an active campaign for the return to Germany of the colonies in Togoland which belonged to it before the war.

In an open letter (published on the 18th of February 1933 in the <> to De Guise, the French Governor of Togoland, one of its inhabitants bitterly complains that a whole number of posts are banned for te natives under the French Government. He says that the natives are <> and that all the impositions and taxes on incomes are completing the ruin of the population which had allready been so hard hit by the crisis.

Feeling uneasy at these pro-German declarations, France, in its turn, answers with an open letter in the name of a French inhabitant of Togoland, in which he describes the <> of te German regime in Togoland and the <>. The meaning of this polemic between the imperialists is quite clear tous! Under cover of these letters, signed by <>, the French and German capitalists are fighting for markets for the export of their industrial manufactures and import of the raw material from this country. Whether German <> stands on higher or lower level than the French, is truly a question of not the slightest interest to the native workers, since even though the methods may differ in one respect or another, te results are in any case the same! What follows quite obviously from all this is that the native workers are crushed under the weight of taxation with which they are burdened by the French Government, so that it may find an outlet from the raging crisis in the motherland, and so that France my compensate itself for the losses it suffered in its commercial deals with other imperialist powers.
(To be continued in the next issue)


Notes and Comments

Imperialist Enslavements of Liberia

The last stage is being set for the final and complete enslavement of Liberia by the international imperialist bandits.  Yankee imperialism, through the Firestone Rubber Co. has since long established its financial dictatorship in this little country. Now, international capital through the League of Nations and in conjunction with American Imperialism, the so-called protector of Liberia is about to carry through the final process of complete enslavement of the Liberian people.

The recent discussion on the Liberian question in the British House of Lords brings to light, just what is in store for Liberia. These <> lords, the representatives of the greatest slave power in the world have developed a sudden <> for the <> of Liberia. And they were quite outspoken as to the methods to be employed in demonstrating this affection. Lord Snell, said that, <>. Earl Buxton, was even more precise. Said he, <>. Earl Stanhope, speaking for the Government said that... <>. Finally, the Archbishop of Canterbury in giving his blessings to the impending rape of Liberia, sudenly discovered that,... <> and that <>.

A parallel of more blatan [[blatant]] chicanery and hypocrisy could hardly be duplicated. It is these same slave drivers, who, ready to pound on Liberia with the mailed fist, allowed Japan, a fellow robber to occupy Manchuria and who send a <> to Japan on her declaration establishing a virtual protectorate over China.