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through the prominent  of the Negro people, Dr. Robert R. Moton, Principal of Tuskegee Institute, in the heart of the <> was commissioned as major and sent to France to console the black troops; make them forget about American injustice to them, at least while the war danger existed. Dr. Moton served his country well.

Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, Arch - Dean of American Negro misleaders, and Editor of the Crisis Magazine -- official organ of the National Association for the Advancement of (certain) Colored People -- wanted to be a major too. He wrote an editorial in the July, 1918, issue of the magazine, calling upon the Negroes to forget about their rights, and <>: <>

About this time, Marcus Garvey, the <>, and <> of all Africa, was beginning to <> across the front page of the capitalist press, by exhorting Negroes to resigne [[resign]] themselves to the fate of being lynched until they (Negroes) had established a government in Africa, launched some battleships, and sent an ambassador to Washington. Meanwhile, Mr. Garvey advised them to <> Mr. Garvey out-stripped other misleaders by smashing national boundaries, and aiding imperialism on a world - wide scale. You must, said Garvey, serve the country in which you live!


The Negro soldiers took the words of these <> at their face value. They went to France without a grumble. However, once in the American Expeditionary Force, the whole system of ruling class justice to them began to reveal itself. Every form of oppression known to the negro in civilian life was not sharpened and intesified [[intensified]] in the ranks of those serving <>. The government issued orders to the Negro troops which stated: Now that you are in the armed forces of your country, military discipline requires subordination to all rules and regulations. (!)


Those rules and regulations meant to the Negro the continued submission to Jim - Crowism, segregation, Lynching, and humiliation generally, without a mumbling protest.

From the time the United States entered the war, April, 1917, and during the following decade, lynchings increased by leaps and bounds. (*) Total lynched during war and post-war period 475.

After the Negroes had fought and helped to <>, this monster broke loose with full force upon their return to the United States from France. In 1919, it engulfed them in a bloody whirlpool of <>, beginning in Washington, the nation's capital, and spreading like wild fire to Chicago; Springfield, Illinois; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and other American cities. The Negro soldiers became infuriated when such treatment was accorded them after having walked through rivers of blood on the battlefields of France, to make the United States safe for the Negro people. They fought back, and fought well.

Today, sixteen years after the world <>, 

[[caption]] American troops <> in China [[/caption]]

Lynch terror against the Negroes in the United States is leaping skyward. The frame - up of the nine innocent Scottsboro boys, and the upholding of this by the Alabama Supreme Court ; the fiendish sentence given to Angelo Herndon in Georgia, and the upholding of this by the Georgia Supreme Court; the frantic effort of the Negro misleaders to further betray the struggles of the Negro people for freedom, have so thoroughly exposed the <> until no Negro worker


Transcription Notes:
all spelling errors from original text (are now followed by corrections in brackets, so they're searchable) --I corrected the typos that were not in the original and removed the unneeded editorial remarks for page breaks; inserted para breaks and double quotes; completed 2nd page.