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who were reaping profits from the native masses of his island home. Every year he saw more and more small landowners and farmers being swallowed up by the big absentee landlords. The land was no longer producing coffee and cocoa. Oil gusherswere going up and an army of proletarians were taking the place of the farmers who were forced to sell their land for a song. Daily the strong arm of British rule was felt on the backs of the downtrodden colonials Padmore, a newspaper writer takes up his pen to protest against British Imperialism. He is persecuted as a result. Finally, he comes to the U. S. A. and decides to study law. Here, Mr. Padmore's views widen. He first goes to Fisk University in the hearth of the South where peonage and lynch-law dominate all else. Padmore sees not only British imperialism at work, but also American imperialism.

	At this time the Communists are fighting for the liberation of the Negro people of the U. S. and for the end of imperialist - colonial rule. - Padmore sees a strong ally in the American workers who should assist the colonials to shake of their yoke of oppression. He decides to join the ranks of the Communists. Disporting himself as an honest fighter against imperialism, Padmore was raised to a position of prominence by the workers.

	The Communist program of struggle against imperialism points out that liberation of the colonial masses must be aided by the WORKING CLASS of the imperialist countries. It points out that only by unity of colonial masses with the toilers of the imperialist countries who are struggling against the same foe - the capitalists and bankers, etc.; only through this unity can real freedom be assured. But this path is a difficult one. It requires overthrowing the native capitalists and landowners in the colonies, as well. It requires hard work winning over the masses of toilers in the capitalist countries. It takes time for all this. Mistakes are made, reverses are met. The work does not got smoothly. Mr. Padmore, the petty bourgeois anti-imperialist, is impatient. Why wait for the proletariat? Their problems are not ours. Colonials are black men and brown men. Imperialists are white men. All white men are imperialist. The equivalent for «ruling class» is »white». (from an article of Padmore in Baltimore Afro-American: «EUROPE KILLS ANIMALS AND MEN IN AFRICA» ... «This seems to be the WHITE MAN'S (emphasis mine, H. D.) chief mission in Africa»).

	Padmore makes no distinction between white rules and white toilers who are being exploited by the same rulers who exploit the natives, even though they preach superiority to the white toilers. Padmore doesn't want to stop and teach the white workers. He doesn't want the proletarian way - the international way of united struggle of all toilers against Imperialism He wants a short-cut What he really wants is free colonies but not


free colonial workers. In reality he is concerned about the coffee and cocoa growers being impoverished - the small estate owners, not the poor tenant farmers. He wants their land restored to them. He believes this will solve all the evils of the millions of native toilers.

	There was a time when Padmore spoke of unity of white workers with black; when he spoke of classes. But that was only during the transition period in the brief history of Mr. Padmore's «revolutionary» career. He now calls on the Negroes to «close ranks» for «the future of Africa is ours». (pg. 4, Aug. 1933 issue «Negro Worker»). Negroes, all Negroes, landlords, capitalists, misleaders, head chief, missionaries - no distinction because Africa must be for the Negro and Europe for the white man.

	The egoism of Mr. Padmore is rather droll. While he condemns Garvey as a charlatan who squandered hundreds of thousands of dollars and the Garvey movement as a «get-rich-quick» utopian scheme, yet Padmore now hoped to solve the problems of the 250.000.000 Negroes of the world by a financial venture of «buying back» Liberia.


	But the supreme act which proves that Padmore had two souls that of the anti-imperialist and that of the Negro nationalist, is seen by his publishing in the Negro bourgeois newspapers slanderous lies in which he accuses the only true fighters for liberty of the oppressed peoples of betraying the Negro mases Like the proverbial drowning man, Padmore feels fimself slipping in to the cess-pool he has himself dug and his petty-bourgeois pride being hurt, he runs to the consoling arms of the Negro nationalists for protection. He knows these enemies of working clas freedom, these parasites who live off of jim-crowism and segregation of the Negroes will gladly champion his unworthy cause. - These ghouls, like the Pittsburgh Courier, are only too glad to utilize this as a means of fighting the revolutionary workers and for attacking the Soviet Union, the fatherland of all the downtrodden toilers. They are glad to use these slanderous lies to unleash the war dogs on the Soviet Union which stands as a beacon light guiding the millions of oppressed peoples to a dawn of freedom.

	He sees that, despite his desertion, the white workers are joining hands with the Negroes. He hears echoes of the shouts of solidarity of Negro and white toilers in Alabama. Despite his assertion, that the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers and the «Negro Worker» were «liquidated», and that «the International Negro work is being sacrificed» Padmore sees that the «Negro Worker» is still being publnhed. He sees that the work of the Committee receives the fullest support of the Negro toilers and continues despite the disrupters. He see the prospect of his
Continued on pg. 21.