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The program for human destruction

A recent report states that in 1931, the sum of Pounds was spent on armaments. Since then, the Great nations have moved very swiftly in the race of increasing the expenditure on the means of destroying human life. 

The capitalist nations vie with each other in the invention and production of the most death - dealing machines, bombs and poison gases. Yet each one of them hastens to assure the world of its peaceful intentions and to proclaim itself as THE true defender of peace. 

The British Government which attempts to appear as te real guardian angel of peace have at last dropped the mask. They are going to build 41 new squadrons of bombing planes (500 planes) in order to <>. 

The French, the German, the Italian, the American ruling cliques are all constructing new battleships, high speed bombers, new fortifications. And lest it be misunderstood, all this is being done to prevent war and to insure disarmament and peace. 

Let us see at what price these instruments of <> are being developed. 

The estimate for the British Army alone is 39.600.000 pounds. This does not include the Navy and Air Force. The French Government has voted francs for national defence. The French colonies will be made to pay 75 million francs to the military budget. The German Fascist rulers have increased their military budget from 2.200.000 pounds to 10.500.000 pounds. Mussolini, who claims that <> is increasing the Italian Naval estimate by 8 million pounds. Under the <> in the United States, 8 85 million dollars are appropriated for implements of slaughter for the fiscal year. In addition, thousands more are to be expended for new construction. The Japanese Imperialists who assume the role of the <> of East Asia are appropriating about 460 million dollars for military expenditures for the fiscal year. 

Not only in the <> countries, but also in the colonies is <> in full swing. 

South Africa is to spend one million pounds <>, with high - powered bombers, a national reserve of 120.000 trained rifle - men, etc. In East and West, Africa plans are on foot to strengthen and increase the coastal and air defences.