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South African Party Fusion.


Among the terms decided for the fusion of the South Africa and nationalist parties into one political party is an agreement reached for a common programme ofexploitation and oppression of the native masses by the two sections of the South African capitalist class.

The existing <> labour policy - a policy upon which is based the differentiation in wage scales between white and black workers, the discrimination and limitation of native workers in many fields of employment is to be maintained.

The fusion of the South African and nationalist parties which represented respectively the interests of the mining and landowning groups, into one party, has as its main purpose a united and joint policy for the intensification of the exploitation and oppression of the whole working class and in particular of the native toiling masses.

That section of the document which deals with native policy leaves no room for doubt as to the intent of Anglo-Boer Imperialism to continue and intensify its repressive measures against the natives. It says:


The spectre of revolt on the part of the native toilers against the increasing yoke of slavery is haunting the South African robbers. It calls forth such outbursts as that of Sir Abe Bailey, representative of the mining magnates, who in a recent speech said: <> as well as the <>…

The developing joint revolutionary struggles of the native and white workers is the rising peril for the South African bourgeoisie and the one which will smash the slave rule of Sir Bailey and his fellow exploiters.

Organise and fight against:
The <>.



The Tanganyika Licencing Board has prohibited the making of a film by a group of German film actors based on the East African Campaign in the Great War.

The main objection was that the film intended to portray scenes of the actual campaign in which armed natives were employed, scenes showing fighting between black and white troops, kidnapping of white women by white men, etc. It is maintained that if such scenes are <> <>. Te greatest fear of the colonial rulers is an armed native toiling mass, who could deal a sure and swift blow to the exploiters and the whole system of colonial oppression

Connected with the foregoing is the fact that Natives are debarred from seeing many films, such as <>, on the ground that they are harmful <>. The <> of the natives are disturbed over the fact that small cameras, projectors and films can now be purchased by the Natives because of the low price and such private cinemas may not be of a <>.


A collection fine of 900 pounds has been imposed on the Sanbury tribe for alleged attacks of some of the tribal members on setters and natives.

A clan of hereditary witch doctors, known as <>, comprising over 700 men, women and children are to be deported from the reserves to an an area on Lake Victoria. The official reasons given are that the clan has an <> influence on the Lumbwa tribe. The real reason is however the growing number of revolts of the natives against the brutal slave rule of the colonial despots.


The police department of Tanga reports the discovery of an arms factory in the vicinity of Muheza. In a raid, made on the premises of a number of native gunsmiths, no less than 100 barrels of newly manufactured guns were seized. The arms and material were confiscated and the natives fined 60 shillings each.

Down with the Scottsboro lynch verdict!
Demand the release of the boys!
Contribute to the campaign fund!