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King George in London who, they assured the native farmers, would settle matters in their favour. In 1919, again, in order to crush the mass strike movement of the workers arising out of the post-war conditions, a second deputation, sailed to England and again succeeded in deceiving the toiling masses with cries of "democracy and self-determination" of oppressed peoples who had fought to defend the Empire. Now again, these black licksplittles are out to play the same stunt. It is the task for all true revolutionaries and sincere anti-imperialist fighters to systematically and painstakingly expose the role of these traitors.
The revolutionaries must make plain to the masses that the Jabavus and Thaeles, the Abdurahmans and Kadalies are not so naive as not to know that the British Government fully supports the policy of Hertzog. That the S.A. Government is nothing but the agent of British imperialism. That Hertzog himself has recently come out openly against Dutch republicanism in favour of cooperation with British capitalism. The English "friends" that Jabavu speaks of are none other than some British imperialist robbers and swindlers who had stolen the major part of Africa from the Africans of whom they have made slaves to work on their plantations and mines. They are same British capitalists whose policy of plunder and murder in India stinks with a suffocating stench in the noses of all true lovers of oppressed humanity. The attempt of the Jabavu to oppose the policy of Hertzog to that of the British Government is nothing but a cunning manouvre, a slimy hypocritical gesture, depending entirely on the cry that "if the British does not interfere quickly then the communists will win out". 

The latest press reports which have arrived here from America state that Jabavu is now in that country to speak at the Students' Volunteer Convention in Buffalo. Already our worthy professor has begun to play his slavish role and to reveal his true sycophantic character before his white American friends. The Negro press states that at a meeting held in New York City under the joint auspices of the Federal Councils Commissions on International Justice and Goodwill and on the Church and Race Relations he told his audience that "although the Africans are not rich, they do not starve. For those who have give those who have not got. And furthermore, the African peoples are not as barbarious as some people think, because they are more obedient to law and order than any other peoples". 

What stupidity! What childish hypocrisy! One can hardly imagine a more assinine statement by a man who prides himself with the title, "professor". Jabavu has not a word to say about the misery, the poverty and starvation among the native masses. He does not express a word of condemnation against his imperialist masters who have stolen our land and enslaved us on their reserves and inherit compounds and have enacted the most brutal anti-labour and racial laws to be found in any part of the world in order to maintain their imperialist robber policy. 

Jabavu knows perfectly well that the condition of the Negro workers can only be solved by a drastic change, a revolutionary re-adjustment of the injustices against the Negro toiling masses, which cry out ever more loudly with the passing of every day, for correction. In his book, the "Black Problem" Jabavu analyses these ills quite competently and comes to the conclusion that the Bantu people in the country of their own birth are nothing but "political pariahs and landless helots". But to think that the Jabavus and Thaeles were even capable of fighting for Bantu freedom would be a serious error. Their interests lie in a different direction. What they want is merely a bigger portion of the spoils derived from the exploitation of the Negro workers. More jobs in the civil service, more facilities in trading, representatives in Parliament and the Provincial councils etc. - all good and proper - but not for the toiling 


masses on the farms and plantations, in the mines and factories. For these they have no time. 

From this it is quite plain that the only forces capable of waging a consistent fight against oppression and imperialist robbery in South Africa are the Negro and white revolutionary workers and poor peasants. Their interests are now incompatible with the interests of imperialism. To live they must fight against the robbers who have stolen their land. They are the irreconcilable enemies of oppression, the true fighters for liberation. Let our "educated and cultured" professors know that we revolutionary workers shall expose their treacheries, their traffic in human misery, their stinking hypocricy [[hypocrisy]] and cowardice to the masses who are building their militant organizations which are leading the fight for the liberation of the Bantus from imperialism, for land and a decent life, for freedom, for a South African Native Independent Republic, for a toilers' Government. 

Self-Determination for the West-Indies

A well attended meeting of white and coloured workers, as well as colonial students took place in London on February 25th, under the auspices of the NEGRO WELFARE ASSOCIATION, at Charter Hall, 59 Cromer Street. Comrade Arnold Ward, the secretary of the Association, presided. 

The chief speaker of the occasion was Captain A.A. Cipriani, the president of the Trinidad Labor Party.  After his speech the following resolution was adopted:

"This meeting of British and colonial workers sends its fraternal greetings to the oppressed workers and peasants of the West Indies and pledges itself to fight side by side for the overthrow of British Imperialism not only in the West Indies but throughout the world. 

This meeting also realises that the same National Government which is responsible for the brutal oppression of the colonies is the same government which is carrying on an unprecedented attack upon the standard of living of the workers in Great Britain. 

We also realize that no hope can be placed in the Labour Party who, after promising self government to the people of the West Indies, carried on, when they came into power, a policy of 'continuity' which equalled in its severity that of any of its predecessors. 

This meeting therefore realizes that only when the workers and peasants are organized on a class basis and prepared by revolutionary action to overthrow their imperialist oppressors, will they ever achieve the freedom of the West Indians Islands from foregin domination." 

The INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION COMMITTEE OF NEGRO WORKERS pledges its fullest support to the West Indian masses in their struggles against British imperialism, which can only be successfully carried out by building up a strong revolutionary labour movement. To do this, the West Indian workers must free themselves from the influence of their reformist leaders, who are the agents of the imperialists. 


Transcription Notes:
hypocrisy is misspelled to "hypocricy" in the 11th line from the top.