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[[image - picture of men pouring milk into the water]]


Capitalists Gone Crazy

At the present time the number of unemployed in the whole world has reached about 40 millions. When we add to this number the families of the unemployed we may state without exaggeration that - quite apart from the starving millions in the colonies, in India, Africa, and China-there are 100 millions of human beings condemned to starvation rations at the present time by capitalism. At the same time news comes from every part of the world showing that the ruling class, in order to avoid the consequences of over-production (the lessening of their profits), are actually proceeding to destroy the reserves of goods. To-day it is nothing new when coffee is thrown into the sea and wheat used as fuel for locomotives. The following report comes from New York:

"In order to raise prices, the producers are destroying enormous quantities of milk, vegetables, fruit, and other food. Every week the milk suppliers pour hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk into the rivers. This is being done to such an extent that the Health Office in New York has issued a proclamation stating that 'the fish will die off if milk is thrown into the rivers in such quantities'. The state of California too reports that tremendous quantities of milk are being thrown into the rivers. At the same time we hear from Ketshikan Bay, Alaska, that the canning factories here have destroyed 40.000 salmon. From Los Angeles comes the report that thousands of fruit trees are being felled, in order to lessen the fruit crops."

While all of this food is being destroyed by the capitalists in America, millions of Negroes and white workers are starving to death in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and other cities. So in order to prevent the starving black and white unemployed from organizing, the exploiters are deporting the foreign born white workers back to Europe and are planning to round up the Negroes and send them South. In the face of this widespread misery only the Communists and the revolutionary trade unions, the so-called "Reds", are organizing the black and white masses and leading them in struggle for bread, work, and unemployed relief.

The "big" Negro leaders, like de Priest, Kelly Miller, R.R. Morton, Du Bois, Garvey, and especially the preachers, have not only deserted the toilers of their own race, but are actually aiding the capitalists and their state and municipal governments in suppressing the movement of the unemployed by police terror and open murder. Furthermore, these reformist fakers, are the very ones who will tell the workers that they should go and fight in the new world war, which has already started.

The crisis is certainly teaching the Negro workers who are their friends and who their enemies.

Organise and demand free food, clothes and rent from the capitalist governments.