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incapable hands. That being the case, the administration of the country should be removed from their control, and handed by the League, under Mandate, to one or other of the great colonising powers." (emphasis mine - G.P.)

Yes, Mr. Schuyler and you other bankrupt and philistine misleaders of the American Negro masses, the proletarians of all lands will number you among those hangmen who helped the Yankee bankers to tie the final knot around the necks of the Liberian working class.

Now, what do the above quotations prove? They clearly expose the conscious policy of the capitalist powers to deprive Liberia of her sovereignty and to intensify the exploitation of the toiling masses of the country. Here again, we see the open robber-policy of the League of Nations which does not even make the usual diplomatic pretense of defending Liberia, but rather, is prepared to support America, a non-member, in stealing the territory of a member state. 

This only shows the Negro masses and the working class in general the real character of the League - a combination of powerful imperialist powers dominated by England, France and Japan, whose sole purpose is to pounce down upon weaker nations, enslave the colonial and semi colonial masses of China and Africa and steal every foot of land from defenseless people and plan intervention in Soviet Russia. This is the only purpose for the existence of the League of Nations.

Workers Defend Liberia

The present situation in Liberia calls for the most determined struggle on the part of the international working class, especially the proletariat in America against the ruthless exploitation of the American capitalists in Africa.

The Liberian situation clearly shows that whatever might be the contradictions and jealousies between the imperialist powers of Europe and America, when it concerns Africa and the Negro masses they are prepared to arrive at some common agreement for dividing the spoils and maintaining their denomination over the African masses.

There is only one force that the imperialists are afraid of, and that is the organised working class and toiling peasantry of Africa, which, with the support of the revolutionary working class movement of Europe and America alone can defeat and shatter the imperialist aims of American and League-of-Nations imperialism.

The Negro Workers' Congress Prediction True.

Already at the first Congress of the International Conference of Negro Workers held in Hamburg, Germany, in July 1930, the attention of the Negro toiling masses throughout the world was called to the danger of Liberia being deprived of the little freedom which it still enjoys by becoming an open slave colony of America, like the Philippines and Porto Rico, where there is not the slightest pretense of independence.

Furthermore, the Congress in a special resolution adopted against imperialism pointed out the diplomacy of the white imperialists in using the Negro national reformist leaders - like Marcus Garvey, Blaise Diagne of Senegal, Dr. Du Bois, William Pickens, Walter White of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Randolph, Schuyler, Kelly Miller, Dr. Moton, Oscar de Priest and others - as their agents in paving the way for increasing attacks upon the standard of life of the Negro masses.The Congress called upon the Negro workers not only of Liberia but the United States, the West Indies and other colonies to rally to the defence of the 

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national independence of the last black state in West Africa. In view of the increasing danger which threatens Liberia, it becomes the immediate duty of the Negro workers and their class-conscious white brothers, and all sincere and honest fighters against imperialism to organize protest mass meetings and demonstrate their solidarity with the Liberian working class against American imperialism, the League of Nations and their black lackeys.

Every opportunity must also be taken to expose the whole system of forced labour, slavery, unemployment, starvation, oppressive taxation, and official terrorism, which exists in the British, French, Belgian colonies, in South Africa, Kenya, Angola, Mozambique, and South-West-Africa, linking up the struggles of the Liberian masses with those of other parts of Africa who suffer even more terribly under the brutal whips of European slave masters.

What the Workers of Liberia must do

The very first task which stands before the workers, especially the seamen and dockers in the coast ports of Liberia, such as Monrovia, Great Bassa, is to organize themselves into trade unions as the basis for the development of a broad mass anti-imperialist movement; for only in this way will the Liberian workers be able to defend their economic interests and carry on the struggle for improving their political and social conditions.

[[caption]] Native worker collecting rubber on one of the Firestone's Plantations

The Liberian workers must not put faith in the Americo-Liberian politicians, whether True Whigs or so-called opposition People's Party. These fakers, in the face of the growing indignation and protest of the masses against the foreign imperialists and the native oppressors, will try to deceive them with radical phrases, only to betray them as King and his handmen.

The workers must depend only upon themselves.They must develop leaders from the ranks of their class. People who feel oppression and exploitation, and will not desert the struggle or be bribed by the capitalists.

The International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers will give its fullest support to the toiling masses of Liberia in building up an militant trade union movement which alone will guarantee an uncompromising struggle against Yankee Imperialism and the native exploiting class of capitalists, landlords and slave holding officials.

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