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Editors are invited to reprint articles and resolutions which appear in the "Negro Worker". Editorial Board: George Padmore (U.S.A.), Editor-in-Chief Contributing Editors: J. W. Ford, Cyril Briggs, D. B. Amis (U.S.A.); O. E. Huiswood (R.I.L.U.); C. Alexander (West Indies); E. Forster Jones, E. F. Small (West Africa); G. Kouyatte (French West Africa); A. Mzula, E. T. Mofutsanyana (South Africa); Mansey (Congo). Managing Editor: Max Barek (Hamburg). CONTENTS 1. What is Empire Day, By Padmore. 2. South Africa and the Imperialist War. By T. Jackson. 3. Liberia and The Labour Problem. By K. Tamba 4. The Scottsboro Campaign in Europe. By B. J. 5. How The Empire Was Built. 6. Negro Worker Banned by Imperialists. By A. R. 7. Colonial Governors As Dictators. - A Reply 8. A Brotherhood of Nationalities. By M. J. Olgin. 9. World Congress of Seamen. By G.P. 10. Negro Worker U.S.A. Vice-President. 11. The World Situation and the Negro. By Cyril Briggs. 12. Twelve Years of League of Nations. By L. Volinsky. ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION COMMITTEE OF NEGRO WORKERS, 8 ROTHESOODSTR., HAMBURG, GERMANY Notice to our Readers. All cheques, money orders and registered letters must be made payable to: The International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers: 8, Rothesoodstrasse, Hamburg. Workers of the World, Unite! THE NEGRO WORKER No. 6 June 1932 Vol. 2 What is Empire Day? By Geo. Padmore. On the twenty-fourth of May every year, the British imperialists and their native lackeys in the colonies give thanks to their god that with the aid of the Bible, rum and bullets they have stolen from India, parts of Africa and China, and have enslaved hundreds of millions of colonial toilers in these lands. This is Empire Day. With all the cynicism characteristic of the most arrogant, haughty and hypocritical ruling class in the world - it is also made a "great" day for rejoicing in the colonies. With flag waving, military display and jingo songs à la Rudyard Kipling, millions of Negro, Indian, Chinese and other coloured children are compelled to dress themselves up in gaudy Lancashire cloth, and with the Union Jack - the symbol of oppression, assemble in public places and listen to the most arrogant speeches of colonial governors, missionaries and military officials. Earl Jellicoe, Admiral-in-chief of the Fleet and president of the Empire Day Movement, in a recent address to the school children of Britain said: "The celebration of the day brings before the people, and especially before the young, the desirability of thinking imperially." (Emphasis ours - G. P.) In this way these imperialist overlords foster national hatred and contempt for the peoples of other lands in the minds of working class children. Empire Day celebration in the schools is also made an occasion for spreading the most awful lies about the Soviet Union. The writer remembers as a village schoolboy in a Britain colony, how the European school inspector, the district-magistrate, and the parish priest used to compete with one another in telling us how the Bolsheviks hated the coloured races and that if is was not for the "mighty" British Empire - "of which we must all be proud, and ready to defend with our lives", - the Soviets would overrun Africa and enslave all the blacks, even worse than the German "huns". Furthermore, out of the starvation wages of the colonial toilers, their children are compelled to make donations to all kinds of imperialist and military campaigns - ranging from the King's birthday to Poppy Day. When the true history of British colonial plunder comes to be written from the point of view of the oppressed and exploited nations now under the yoke of these imperialist murderers it will reveal some of the greatest rackets that the world however known. In Africa, the West Indies, and other British posessions [[possessions]], the wives of the European bureaucrats, not satisfied that their men are extorting millions of dollars out of the sweat and blood of the natives, are also active in promoting their own pet rackets. In order to cover up the predatory character of their doings, these proud Anglo-Saxon dames, who by the way, are no less skillful than their husbands in 1