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Notes of the Month 

ON March 6 the working class of the United States showed its determination to refuse to starve. March 6 showed the increase of influence of the Communist Party and the revolutionary trade unions throughout large sections of the American working class. Over One Million and One-Quarter workers demonstrated on the streets in face of the police terror and poisonous propaganda of the American Federation of Labor and Socialist Party. Only two days prior to March 6, American capitalism refused to recognize that there is unemployment in the United States; but the determination of the masses to struggle under the political leadership of the Communist Party and the revolutionary trade unions forced the Hoover administration and Secretary of Labor Davis to recognize that there are at least three million unemployed workers in the United States. What is important for us to note in this unemployment struggle is the political character of the unemployed demonstrations. While the unemployed workers were mobilized on economic demands to fight for work or wages, yet the Communist Party and the revolutionary trade unions did not fail to point out that unemployment cannot be abolished under capitalism and only the destruction of the capitalist state and the abolition of capitalism can solve the unemployment question. It is precisely this political turn of the unemployment movement that American capitalism fears. They are afraid that in spite of the natural wealth of the United States, the American workers will recognize that the present society cannot provide them with a living, and will naturally draw their conclusions that we must build a new society through the revolutionary overthrowal of the present capitalist system. Unemployment, in spite of the rosy reports of the capitalist class, is on the increase, and capitalism can't solve it. This is being recognized even by Wall Street itself when the February 22 issue of the Magazine of Wall Street, it is stated: 

"Economists are agreed that to create jobs for the purpose of checking or preventing unemployment is pernicious. It interferes with the natural adjustments, fosters the demoralizing idea that the government owes every man a job, and is wasteful because it results in unnecessary and, usually, unproductive expenditure of capital."

It is now our task to concretize more definitely the unemployed struggle by building new councils of the unemployed and strengthening the old ones, by concretizing more definitely the demands of 
