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NOTES OF THE MONTH 295 of a united front from below. As a prerequisite for a successful recruiting campaign for the T.U.U.L., it is also necessary that the Party membership and the revolutionary working class has a clear conception of the role of the T.U.U.L. in the United States. The recent decisions of the Plenum of the R.I.L.U. must serve as a basis for all ideological discussion and clarification of the role of the T.U.U.L. and tasks of the revolutionary workers. THE broadening of the political activities of the Party, which will be concretely facilitated by our Plenum, must also reflect itself in our preparations for the coming congressional, senatorial and gubernatorial elections. In these coming elections we must see to it that we abolish the discrepancy which exists between our political influence and organizational strength. These coming elections must serve as a political education of the masses concerning the class characters of the state, and the difference between the Communist Party and the trade unions, as a preparation for mass political action on the part of the workers in the overthrowing of capitalism and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat. The coming congressional elections must be one of the major campaigns of the Party in which we will be in a position to bring our program to the wide masses of American workers and farmers. [[image: line drawing of mine workers holding large picks, taking aim at the coal face, and in the direction of a fat man who has his arms around a (barrel?) with dollar signs on it.]]
Transcription Notes:
first half word is transcribed on previous image.