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country. The A.C.W. has in addition been a trail-blazer of social-fascism and the I.L.G.W. has learned much from it. The fact that Sidney Hillman, president of the A.C.W., is the trade union messiah of the Musteites and the Socialist Party indicates merely that he is, to use the incomparable phrase on which Marx impaled Thiers, "the most consummate intellectual expression of their own class corruption."

Not all the thunder on the left of the Muste group can drown out the black betrayals of the Elizabethton and Marion textile strikes, led by the United Textile Workers, and A.F. of L. union in which the fake progressives play a leading role. And not all their voluble piety can conceal the explicitly social-fascist character of the behavior of certain of the Musteites in the South. Two examples will suffice: When a gand of mull thugs raided the rooming house in Elizabethton in which Bill Dunne and other organizers of the National Textile Workers Union were living, threatening them with violence, William Kelley, a vice-president of the U.T.W., was recognized as a member of the mob.

Example 2: testifying at his trial on the charge of instigating a riot, Alfred Hoffman, U.T.W. organizer in Marion, "disclaimed any knowledge of the use of dynamite and offered an explanation that, when the alleged dynamiting occurred, a group of Communists and officials of a national detective agency were in Marion." (N.Y. Times, November 27, 1929. Emphasis mine.-- A.B.M.) incidentally, according to The Times, "J.F. Pleasants, City Councilor of Durham, N.C. and A.d. Briengler, superintendent of the Durham Police Department identification bureau, appeared as character witnesses for Hoffman"!

Like their "right wing" I.L.G.W. colleagues, who pretend to have some difference with them, unity with the police and other government agencies against the workers and their most militant vanguard, the Communists, is the actual practice of the "left wing" Muste group.


"Newspaper accounts show needless and stupid police brutality in dealing with Saturday's Communist demonstration. Why unnecessarily gratify Communists mania for martyrs?" (Telegram of Norman THomas to Mayor Walker after the Tammany clubbing orgy at the protest demonstrations n January 25 against the murder of Steve Katovis. Emphasis mine, -- A.M.B.)

The Socialist Part has during the course of the past year also undergone a "rejuvenation" on the political field. This "rejuvenation" has been loudly and exultantly proclaimed not only in the