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United States through the vast credit facilities concentrated here with the shift of the economic center of gravity to this country. 
The deflation of the domestic purchasing power means that the domestic market is and will continue much narrower than that which prevailed during the immediately preceding several years. This constriction of the domestic market means that only abroad--if anywhere--can there be found the markets that American capitalism needs.
It appears likely that foreign financing will in 1930 be substantially above the low figures of 1929. Foreign financing is a corallary to the export of capital. The export of capital will not increase sufficiently to account for more than a slight fraction of the shrinkage in the American domestic market through unemployment for the proletariat and low prices for farm products. More though-a large proportion of foreign financing will be for European account. Capitalist Europe will float loans in America to rationalize its industries not only to drive American competition out of the European markets but to dispute bitterly every non-European market, those markets which are the other possibilities of the export of American capital.
Foreign markets mean war for American capitalism. War on the American working class to produce cheaper, war against the other imperialists, war against the Soviet Union which is the greatest market closed to the exploitation of capitalism. The American working class will know that it is war the third period means an will fight this war to a finish against the capitalist class and for a dictatorship of the proletariat.