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geoisie and the Ghandi movement as a tool of British imperialism will have world-wide consequences.

The situation is undoubtedly being utilized by American Imperialism. The United States has set definitely for itself the task of strengthening its influence in this important and rich territory. In India, like in China, the United States, under its policy of the "open door," under the cloak of self-determination of nations, is pursuing a course of winning the Indian national bourgeoisie is pursuing a course of winning the Indian national bourgeoisie under its tutelage. The statement of Senator Blaine of Wisconsin that the United States will be ready to recognize the government of an independent India, is therefore a great significance. It was not merely a gesture on the part of a fake progressive, but there was expressed the policy of the State Department which is the policy of American capitalism.


Since the Sixteenth Century, England won for herself the right to capture no only the ships of its enemies, but also the ships of the so-called neutral powers, to raid ships and check up on the contents, and the right of blockade. As a general rule we find in looking back at history that every country which carried on, or proposed a war with England always demanded freedom of the seas. But, what does the United States want to achieve with the freedom of the seas? The United States wants to preserve for itself the right to determine whom to support in the coming imperialist struggle for the purpose of enriching itself at the expense of all waring countries involved. Freedom of the seas presupposes that there can be neutrals in an imperialist war. However anyone who is familiar in the slightest way with warfare knows that in the time of war found, clothing, medical supplies are also war materials. No element that even in the slightest degree helps to maintain the existence of a human being could be classed as neutral in time of war. Food supplies for the women and children in the rear is part of war support. It is therefore impossible for Great Britain to accept the idea that in a time of war the United States will supply with food the population of England's enemies. Therefore the demand of the United States for the freedom of the seas is another challenge directed against the supremacy of Great Britain.

The principle of blockade is always supported by the dominant sea power, while the principle of the freedom of the seas is supported by its opponent. In the last world war the principle of the freedom of the seas was put up by Germany, even prior to the outbreak of the struggle, in the beginning of the last world