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must reject the idea as expressed by Nearing, that because of the antagonisms between the imperialist powers, they will never be able to fight jointly against the Soviet Union. On the other hand, we must reject the idea as expressed in sections of our Party that the antagonisms between the imperialist world and the Soviet Union is replacing the antagonisms between the imperialist powers.

It is therefore no accident that precisely at this moment, when the London Conference ended in such a miserable failure, that world imperialism has mobilized in its last resort, the entire religious world in the struggle against the Soviet Union in the support of the kulaks and all the other remnants of capitalism which are today being successfully wiped out by the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. The London Conference will only bring nearer the war against the Soviet Union. The breaking of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the Soviet Union, the clamour of the French capitalist press, which are using the so-called "kidnapping" of the white guardist general Koutiepoff, as an excuse for the breaking of relations with the Soviet Union, all these acts on the part of world imperialism are part and parcel of war preparations against the U.S.S.R.


To draw the proper conclusions from the present political situation in relation to war, it is not only necessary to see the contradictions of world capitalism and the antagonisms between the imperialist powers, but it is also necessary to consider as the determining factor, the present growing revolutionary struggle and political consciousness of the international working class and the oppressed people of the colonial countries. Of great importance for us to consider is not only readiness of the masses to struggle for better economic conditions, to  fight unemployment, but the political character of many of these struggles. To view the struggles of the international proletariat strictly from an economic viewpoint would be a failure to understand the meaning of these struggles and their far-reaching significance. The outstanding feature in the present situation is the fact that social democracy exposes itself today more than ever before. Even the most leading fascists of the British Empire, such as Lord Rothermere, had to state: "The Socialist can't save England in our present economic crisis." The crisis in capitalism also created a crisis in social reformism, having the effect of first exposing the treacherous role of social reformism, and thereby repulsing large sections of its working class following which were still under the influence of social democracy, and making them fight under the leadership of the Communist Party and the