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the United States and the world over the problem is not only to convince the workers of an approaching war, but to prepare to meet this situation, to apply the correct Leninist methods, to turn the coming imperialist war into a civil war. That the London Conference will in itself prove to be a factor which will accelerate armaments and bring the war danger nearer to us, was also well brought out by the well-known New York Times European correspondent, Edwin L. James, who in a recent article from London, stated: "The results of the London Conference will be some of the finest naval construction programs the world has yet seen."  And in a speech before the Navy League, the former British Chancellor, Winston Churchill, stated: "From what we can judge by what has been published, all these other nations will increase their naval expenditures as soon as the conference is over."  In the face of this, only the Second International, only the Labor Government, only Norman Thomas can state that the London Conference will bring disarmament, that the London Conference will be a stepping-stone to the everlasting peace between nations.  This, however, is their specific role in the ranks of the working class, as a misleader, concealing the true situation and thereby tending to provent the mobilization of the working class to do its duty in the coming imperialist war.
  The London Naval Conference also brought out most glaringly the bankruptcy and the uselessness of the various peace treaties.  It is interesting to note that precisely in this very moment, when the Kellogg Peace Pact is being eulogized by capitalism as a guaranty that in the future no nation will go to war or armed conflict between the European and American nations?  However, in spite of these many treaties and pledges not to resort to war, we find that French imperialism came to the conclusion that these peace treaties in no way guarantee peace or security. The working class, however, must also see that another peace treaty will in no way establish peace of guarantee security because of the very fact that peace is impossible under capitalism.


The very existence of the Soviet Republic was in itself one of the dynamic factors that undermined the position of world capitalism. However, for the first years of the existence of the Soviet Union, the imperialist world, together with their tools, the Socialists, spread