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the illusion that the Soviet Union will not be able to maintain itself, that under the pressure of the capitalist world the workers' and farmers' government, in case it is not destroyed by its own contradictions, will change its course and give up its Communist principles. However, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, following the principles of Leninism, is continuously strengthening the proletarian state on a much stronger and firmer foundation. Because of this, the New York Times was forced to state in an editorial of January 23, 1930, that the previous views of the capitalist world that "re-admit Russia into the family of nations, do business with Russia, visit Russia for the puropse [[purpose]] of studying without prejudice the extraordinary experiment upon which she is engaged and inevitable a tone of moderation inside of the Communist Party will prevail. Precisely the opposite thing has happened." Never was the capitalist world so disappointed as it is today, particularly with the carrying thru of the Five Year Plan of Socialist Construction.
   The growth of the revolutionary movement in the colonies under the direct leadership of the working class and the growing aggressiveness of the proletariat in the capitalist developed countries do not only aggravate the crisis of capitalism, but bring to the forefront the great task of struggle for power and the proletarian revolution. Since imperialist war is only a continuation of politics of the ruling class by other means, it is also necessary to consider how the imperialist war preparations affect the working class. One thing is certain for every class-conscious worker: capitalism will put the whole burden of the crisis and the war preparations upon the shoulders of the working class. Rationalization and speed-up of industry will increase and the militarization of the working class will assume greater proportions. At the same time we must also note that with the growth of the political consciousness in the minds of the workers, and the crisis of capitalism, the capitalist class will do everything in its power to destroy and suppress first and foremost, the most militant and revolutionary organization of the working class, and thereby attempt to stifle the resistance of the working class. In the United States this has already assumed certain definite and crystallized forms. The revival of the criminal syndicalist law, the growth of terror, the centralization of reaction, are only indicative of this developing situation. The effect of this situation, a strengthening of the influence and authority of the Communist Party among the masses