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The Class Character of Workmen's Compensation, Accident and Insurance Laws in the U.S.A 


THE Ruthlessness of the American capitalists in reference to the use of the human' material which he uses to grind out his profits is notorious.  The cheapest commodity is the body and health of the worker.  Little does the average worker in the United States realize this, still less does he know of the true nature of the "Welfare Laws" that he imagines compensate him for his loss of labor power.  One of the chief articles of trade of the American labor faker to make the workmen vote for capitalists candidates on election day have been precisely these laws.  Let us therefore examine this part of the workmen's heaven a a little closer.
  The Monthly Labor Review, a governmental organ, gives the following data for the year 1922-23:

Annual Number of Accidents resulting in:

Death...................................... 21,232
Permanent total disability.................  1,728
Dismemberment.............................. 75,353
Disfigurement..............................  1,401
Permanent partial disability other than dismemberment ........................................... 28,875

Temporary Total Disability

1  week....................................918,762
1  " " to 2 weeks..........................493,856
2  " "   3  " .............................304,467
3  " "   4  " .............................174,739
4  " "   8  " .............................283,659
8  " "   13 " ............................. 85,459
12 " "   26 " ............................. 48,027
26 " " and over ........................... 15,860
