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"Liberator" should carry material to this end, especially correspondence from Negro farm workers and farmers.
   (a) The Negro Department of the CEC must be responsible for gathering data and making the necessary survey to determine: (1) The class differentiation among Negro farmers; (2) Economic and social conditions of Negro farmers compared to white farmers; (3) The feudal practices prevailing in southern agriculture; (4) The scope and tendency of migration by Negroes from farms to manufacturing industry and the relative weight of the semi-proletarians to the farm proletariat.
   5. Party members working in the United Farmers' Educational League should take the necessary steps to broaden the organization, change its basis and insure more effective functioning, the steps suggested being: (a) Shifting the weight of work to the South without, of course, neglecting the grain area; (b) Basing its organizational structure upon Farmers' Committees (by township) democratically elected, delegate representation in higher bodies to follow the rule of democratic centralization as necessitated in county, state, regional and national organization; (c) The calling of local or regional conferences preparatory to a national delegate conference to establish the organization on a wider basis; (d) To affiliate the organization to the Krestintern (Farmers' International); (e) To change the character of the "United Farmer" from the abstract and negative to the concrete and positive in independent leadership of current struggles, giving great space to Farmer Correspondence; (f) To reformulate the UFEL program in line with its tasks as a tentative program for consideration of the national conference; (g) To drop the term "Educational" from its name as not appropriate for its major task of independent leadership of struggle, at the same time increasing rather than diminishing real educational work by publication of pamphlets and the institution of a circulating library of revolutionary literature; (h) To popularize and organize a delegation of poor farmers to visit the Soviet Union on the 13th Anniversary of the Revolution, Negro poor farmers to be included.
   6. The Party fraction in the International Labor Defense and the Workers' International Relief shall propose measures to the end that these organizations give the necessary attention and practical aid to the poor farm population, to broaden the area of sympathetic support for the revolutionary proletariat among the farming population and cement their alliance for join struggle against capitalism.
   7. The Agit-Prop Department to be instructed: (a) To publish Lenin's pamphlet on Capitalism in American Agriculture, provid-