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Japanese treachery does not stop with the wanton slaughter of innocent Chinese people. Today she stands exposed in open alliance with the worst enemies of the colored peoples the world over. Her partnership with Mussolini, the assassin of the Ethiopians, is common knowledge.
Further, Japan is an outspoken ally and partner of Hitler, who loudly proclaims his contempt of the Negro as an inferior being. As a member of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo bloc, Japan stands exposed as a leading conspirator in the worldwide fascist plot to deprive the colored peoples of the meager liberties they now enjoy, and of even the hope of progress.
Manifestly, the key to the understanding of the present world conflict cannot be found in the simple but dangerous formula of a fight between colored and white races for world supremacy. The fundamental issue of the present world situation springs not from race divisions, but from deep-lying social conflicts, which today find their chief expression in the death grapple between fascism and democracy.
Where do the best interests of the Negro lie in this momentous struggle? Shall we stake our existing rights, meager as they are, but the result of centuries of struggle for freedom, on fascism? Does not democracy, with all its limitations, offer the best channel for continuing and extending the fight for Negro freedom?  Would the victory of fascism in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America advance the cause of the colored people?
For the American Negroes, for the African and Asiatic peoples, these are the questions raised in the present Sino-Japanese conflict, and raised, ominously enough in every important center of Negro life in the United States, by spokesmen of Japanese imperialism. The purpose of this pamphlet is to give a clear answer to these questions.


I. Japan's Real Aims in Asia

JAPAN'S real objectives were clearly set forth in the notorious Tanaka memorandum, a secret document presented to the Mikado in 1927 by the then Premier, Baron Tanaka:
"...A more dangerous factor," this memorandum declared, "is the fact that the Chinese people may wake up one fine day....We must fear the day when China unites, and her industries begin to flourish. 
"We must from now onwards pursue our own military ends and seize the heart of Manchuria and Mongolia, by diverse ways in order to be able on the one hand to destroy the military, political, and economic development of China....This is the key of our continental policy."
The Japanese military aggression in China has proceeded, to the letter, along the line laid down by the Tanaka document, which prescribed not only what was to be done in China, but the manner in which it was to be done.
The Japanese military began their campaign of "liberation of the darker races" in 1895, by an unprovoked attack on China, as a result of which, besides grabbing off chunks of territory, including Formosa, the Japanese forced the poverty-stricken Chinese to pay an indemnity of $150,000,000. Then, in 1900, the Japanese helped the Western imperialist powers to put down the Boxer Uprising, which was a desperate effort of the Chinese to free themselves of foreign exploitation and oppression. In 1910, Japan forcibly annexed Korea.
Later on, when a result of the World War, Germany lost her Chinese concessions, Japan, instead of returning them to her colored neighbor, seized them for herself in true imperialist