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and the Tory policy of concessions to fascism has intensified this weakness.

Furthermore, the government of Haile Selassie, while not yet democratic in the capitalist sense, was progressive in relation to the economic stage of the history of the country. The emperor was working for the internal unification of the country. The very fact that Ethiopia was willing to fight for its independence, that it was necessary to launch a war to subjugate it, shows that in spite of ts weakness Ethiopia was progressive. The guerrilla warfare which has continued since the conquest is an expression of the elemental desire of the people for democracy and independence.

The accomplishments and objectives of both Italian and Japanese imperialism are against democracy. The growing unity and democracy of China in defense of its independence are the main obstacles to Japanese expansion. The Chinese employment of guerrilla warfare is especially effective.

The alliance of Italy and Japan against democracy and for plunder was also advanced through the offices of Nazi Germany. The success of Japan in China in 1931-32 and the success of Italy in Ethiopia in 1935-36 had made it possible for Italy and Germany jointly to invade Spain. Italy and Germany jointly recognized their puppet Franco in November, 1936. On November 25, the German and Japanese governments signed an "Anti-Comintern Pact." This was an agreement for joint action against democracy and for plunder, directed in the first place against the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Thus the German Nazis, whose chief demand is for colonies, to get some Negroes to exploit, and the Japanese samurais, whose greatest pleasure is the crushing of colored peoples, their own and others, have hanged up on the Soviet Union, where colored peoples enjoy complete democracy and independence. The Soviet Union will be able to defend its own peoples of all colors in all countries will come to its aid. But what of the 


colored peoples now under the suzerainty of Great Britain, France, Holland, etc.? Among these we see a tremendous solidarity movement with Ethiopia and China and with the white people of Spain as well.

III. Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis and the Race Myth

Thus the alliance of fascist Japan with the European fascist powers, Italy and Germany, is perfectly logical. The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis is sealed upon the basis of predatory aims and hatred of democracy common to all three partners. It aims at a division of the world in favor of the fascist powers, and the destruction of democracy and of the freedom of weaker peoples, and the complete suppression of the aspirations of all colonial and subject peoples for national independence.

Imperial Japan, the self-proclaimed "protector of the darker peoples," openly and directly sides with the worst enemies of the Negro people: with Mussolini, the raper of Ethiopia, and with Hitler, not only champion of "Aryan" superiority, but endorser of lynching, who in his book, Mein Kampf (My Fight), said:

"In each Negro, in one of the kindest disposition, is the latent brute and primitive man who can be tamed neither by centuries of slavery nor by the extreme varnish of civilization. All assimilation, all education, is bound to fail on account of the racial inborn features of the blood. One can therefore understand why, in the Southern states of America, sheer necessity compels the white race to act in an abhorrent and perhaps even cruel manner against Negroes. And, of course, the Negroes who are lynched do not merit any regret."