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definite evolutionary phase of the material forces of production. The totality of these relations constitute the economic structure of society, the real basis upon which a legal and political superstructure develops." (Marx, Preface to the 2nd German edition of "Das Kapital.")
It is on the basis therefore of the economic structure of monopoly capital, the economics of imperialism, that political reaction arises. Lenin, in his penetrating analysis of Imperialism, as the last stage if capitalism, foreshadowed the development of fascist-imperialism. He declared that the economics of imperialism expressed a turning from "democracy to political reaction.... Political reaction corresponds to monopoly." '(Lenin's Collected Works. Russian Ed. Vol. XIX.)
It is in this fundamental sense that the source of anti-Semitism is "economic." Fascism which is contemporary political reaction, seeks to utilize anti-Semitism as "the entering wedge... in its effort to pit of the population against the other." (From Resolution of National Committee of the Communist Party on Anti-Semitism and the Nazi Progroms. December 5, 1938.) It serves, as Comrade Stalin phrases it. "as a lightning conductor to divert from capitalism the blows of the toilers."
Today, we Communists who first pointed out the danger of fascism to our country and the source from which it springs, are proud that we are no longer alone, that broad strata of our people understand the source of fascism and its weapon, anti-Semitism. For example, no other than the Secretary of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, has declared: "The false god of fascism must have its devil, upon which it can pour its objurations." 
What arguments are used by the anti-Semites?
Their chief stock-in-trade, bellowed so brazenly by the hero of berlin, the fascist priest, father Coughlin, is that the only way to solve the problems of the masses, the struggle for jobs, for security and for peace, is to figh against the "International Jewish Bankers," who, they contend, own and control the United States of America, lock, stock and barrel.
"The New Deal is a Jew Deal!" is one of their slogans. Roosevelt is not Roosevelt- he is, they claim, "Rosenfeld." They launch attacks at Bernard Baruch, and Felix Frankfurter, who, they contend, are the real rulers of America. And Lo and Behold! not only are the workers exploited by the "International Jewish Bankers," but so are the Fords and the Mellons, etc. In a demagogic appeal to the labor unions, they declare that the "real enemy is not our Ford, Mellon, Rockefeller, DuPonts another great industrialists, but the Jewish system of money and banking which exploits both the industrialists and the workers." (Page 21, "Christocracy," published by the Christian Democratic Corporation, Dallas, Texas.)
And President Roosevelt's policy of Social Security they declare, is not only directed against the interests of the people, but back of it is a sinister scheme of the "Jewish-Rothschild-Talmudic-Banking System." Speaking of the WPA Appropriation they declare: "The way is swiftly being prepared for it to 'Happen Here'! The Emergency is being brought on by the staggering Public Debt--that Jewish curse upon civilization." (Page 27. Idem citato.)
"The Christocrats will exercise their concerted energies and intelligence to eradicate the Jewish, Rothschild, Talmudic system of money and banking from the United States." (Page 34. Idem citato.)
Everything progressive is painted as a Jewish-Bolshevik plot. The Industrial Control Reports of James True, say the following about trade union unity:
"An authority in close touch with organized labor writes