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Complaint | Disposition

Oct 19 1867
Ann Freedwoman complains that one Mr Johnston threatened to cut her throat and refused to allow her to take her things away| Oct 19 1867
Referred to S.A. Harris Mayor for investigations. and adjudication Mr Harris settled the case. and the girl was allowed to take her things, goods, away

Oct 26 1867
Matthews Freedwoman Complains that Mr Davis White owes her $1.00 for two weeks labor. &c | sent for Davis, and the Matter settled., Mr Davis paying the Freedwoman $1.00

Oct 26 1867
Henry Carter Freedman Complains that, Henry Chapman & Bill Chapman White, struck him and took his money, amounting to $3.45 dolls. drew a pistol on him &c | Oct 26 1867 Referred to Capt H.M. Lazelle. 8 US Inf Cmdg Post for his actions, upon investigation, Capt Lazelle found. that Chapman was acting as a Civil Officer & that the Black Man had Lied. the Case dismissed

Oct 26 1867
Jackson Brown Freedman Complains that one Alex Shaw after contracting with him to work for one yr has discharged him without pay &c | Letter sent to Mr Shaw to report to this office on Tuesday Oct 29, 1867. to explain why he has not paid Jackson for his labor, both appeared and after inquiry the case was settled Shaw giving his note for $36.00 in favor of Jackson

Oct 26 1867
Peter Taylor, (Freedman) Complains that, John Johnson (White) in dividing the wheat between him and Peter is willing to give him but three bushels and relieve him from a debt of $8.00, also that said Johnson wants to take a peck from each bushel for drying | Letter sent to Johnson telling him that he must either give Peter his share, nine Bushels or pay him the market price for it and let Peter pay him what he owes him. Also that he cannot be allowed to take a peck from each bushel for drying as Peter offered to take the wheat when it was harvested. If Johnson is not satisfied with this, he is report at this office Saturday Nov 2, 1867 to settle the case. Case settled Nov 9, 1867 Mr. Johnson giving Peter his share of wheat.

Oct 26, 1867
Mary Petel (Freedwoman) complains that she has a child about 12 years old and is unable to provide for it. Has two sons - Ephraim and Boyd, living on Dr. Silver's Plantation near Concord NC who are able to take care of said child &c | Referred to Bvt Capt for his action. Ephraim has taken the child and agreed to provide for her.