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Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Clark
Northside Center for Child Development
31 West 110th Street
New York 26, New York

Dear Ken and Mamie:

This letter, and your response to it will formalize our discussion on Thursday afternoon, May 15th.

The New Lincoln School will be glad to reserve a place for Minnijean Brown for the academic year 1958-59. What we need from you now is simply a note assuring us that Minnijean will be enrolled in the twelfth grade for next year, and that the major part of her tuition expenses will not be met by the school.

We also discussed the fact that finding a suitable college placement for Minnijean would not be an easy task, and that it might be wiser to put primary responsibility for this in the hands of Mr. Plaut, at the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students.

I understood further that because of the litigation in progress with regard to Minnijean's expulsion that no formal announcement of her intention of re-enrolling at New Lincoln School would be advisable at this time.

If I have covered the essentials of our conversation, and if you will write me to that effect, we will consider that an agreement has been made with regard to Minnijean's enrollment, and that we will wait until a later, and more convenient time, before issuing her a formal contract.

I am, however, enclosing our regular tuition allowance application, and I hope you will not mind the nuisance involved in filling this out.

I want to assure you, again, that we are glad to have Minnijean with us for the coming year.


John J. Brooks