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[[Caption of drawing:]]
"For bringing the Christian dogs aboard, you received what?'
"I got fifty crowns," he replied, meekly.
"Throw them overboard!" commanded the captain.... 

(Continued from page 8)
made to take the city.  He was not able to travel far when Gonzaley was driven off.  A native who was friendly to the revolutionists hid him in his hut.  He managed to get word to me at home.  I went down to the that pest hole at once.  Posing as a scientist interested in a study of the country's flora and fauna, and to avoid suspicion, with my medicine kit containing only such remedies as to guard against fever or snakebite, I succeeded in getting out of Puerto Melpo alone.  Knocking about the swamps of a strange country and making cautious inquiry about a man lately in arms against that country is a tedious and dangerous job.  But I found my boy through the native who had been a bodyguard to Gonzaley.  I got Benjamin mended somewhat until he gets back home where that bullet can be taken out of his thigh' but in nursing him down in that horrible place, I took on a beastly swamp fever."  He leaned back limply in the heavy oak chair, a little exhausted, his eyes shining brighter than one would expect in a man of his years.  
"Nothing you've said reveals how you two got aboard the El Fascid," exclaimed Captain Lee, relentlessly. Dr. Burr looked up wearily.
"That was a matter fixed up by our native friend.  After he had secured a safe retreat for us in Puerto Melpo, I made him understand that it was impossible to get out of the country in the conventional way; the government was watching the passenger lists of all outgoing vessels, relentless in their search for anybody mixed up in the later rebellion, and who might take such means to escape its firing squads. So our man, Razmo, made the welcome discovery that a Jamaican for fifty gold crowns would smuggle us aboard your ship.  The money was paid over and, the night before you sailed, he came and guided us aboard--found space for us down in the hole among those hardwood logs."  The eyes of Standing Lee had narrowed as he listened; he spoke bluntly:  "And you are content to sail with me--with my crowd of unwashed cutthroats gathered from the foul places of the earth?"  The question carried the mocking inference that he might put them off somewhere to find a more congenial group of sailors.  the doctor parried the question, he answered meekly:  "They are all men--men like myself at heart, perhaps.  I feel safe with them."  He continued to look up in the face of Standing Lee, charmed like a helpless bird under the evil stare of a snake.  A sudden lurch of the El Fascid more violent than others she made in quick succession like a thoroughbred in a steeplechase, almost threw him forward out of his seat; gripping his chair tightly, he looked around anxiously toward his son. Benjamin's face was distorted with paid.  He suffered in silence.  Every pitch and lurch of the El Fascid was excruciating.  And Doctor Burr found that relating the story of his son's escape from the danger of a firing squad at turbulent Puerto Melpo caused not a single word of sympathy to be expressed by the Moor captain.  Instinctively he felt that he had erred in his judgment; he had inadvertently put himself and his wounded son in the hands of an uncompromising enemy.  It might have been to have stayed hidden in that prisonlike house on the fringe of Puerto Melpo which the black, Razmo, had secured for them at the risk of arousing suspicion to himself.  But why was this Moor unfriendly? Maybe he didn't like white people.  He had heard of the long years of antipathy existing between them and the haughty Spaniards; and may-be what he saw in his eyes was greed--the lust for golf.  If so, he would set him right on both counts.  He laid a sympathetic hand over the feverish wound in his son's body, and looked up again.  The Moor captain, his legs somewhat spread out seemingly to grip the rough boards of the cabin floor as his body swayed to the ceaseless roll of the schooner, was still glaring down on them.  
"Of course," began Doctor Burr, "I am American, and I'll pay you well for landing us safely in the port of your destination; because we heard you were bound for Norfolk is another reason why we so readily accepted the offer one of your Jamaica niggers made."
"What does this--this Jamaican look like?" Standing Lee asked.
"There will be no harm I hope--no harm will come to him for aiding us?"  The captin shook his head.
"I did not see him the first time he came to our hiding place.  but the night he brought us aboard, I noticed he had a long scar on the left side of his face; he's a husky devil, and very black."  He paused, waiting for the Moor to return a word of welcome, or accept his offer of bountiful pay for their passage.  He touched significantly the leather money belt concealed around his waist.  
"By the power of Allah," said the Moor, "I've seen into many riddles, but I fail to see how you can find either comfort or peace aboard my ship--safely in a sense, yes--nobody will harm you."  A kind of puzzled amazement came into the face of Doctor Burr as he listened.  the Moor came closer; there was acid bitterness in his voice.
"Only one white man aboard understands your language--and he can do nothing for you. He's not in the ship's pay to cook for stowaways.  The Hindus and the Moors prepare their own meals.  So how will you eat?  Every bunk and hammock aboard has held the body of Hindu, Moor, or black Jamaican.  So where will you sleep?"  He turned on his heel and strode out of the cabin without waiting for Doctor Burr to answer.
An hour later the wind had shifted, and was considerably abated.  Te threat of a hurricane driving up from the south was over; the schooner El
(Continued on page 63)

Transcription Notes:
This is a two-page spread with two columns of print on each page. There is a large drawing across the upper part of the two pages showing two men on the deck of a ship.