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36 Cabot Hall, Radcliff
Cambridge, Mass.
May 21, 1947

Dear folks,

I didn't really need the check, having over $12. Do you suppose, if I looked about in Filene's basement, I could pick up a summer dress? I have only one here. I will need it at work also.

Had six days to prepare for History; by the time you receive this it may be all over. Every morning I do in and listen to music for an hour; then home for the rest of the day. I finished reading [[strikethrough]] reading [[/strikethrough]] notes yesterday and will finish the Hymarx summary book today, do maps, and finish lecture notes tomorrow. Then Jean and I will discuss all of it to figue out questions (we are told that all are obvious) and test [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] pet theories. She [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] forms impressions which lead her to grand theories - - good ones - - and even if she never gets the reading reviewed she has the point of things.

[[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Tulips are in all the little triangles down town and along the walls of all the dark gray houses. Lilacs are almost out, but don't smell yet.

Congratulations, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Mr. Secretary! 

We had a big summery thunder shower yesterday.

Plans? I know I shall get out to Stoughton. Moveable equipment can be temporarily stored with the Weatherbys. About the first of June I will probably