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Arlington, Va.
18 May 1947.

Dear Doris:

We wonder where you are this muggy May Sunday,- maybe out in Stoughton, as you won't have any exams till the end of the week.  I hope the English Lit wasn't too hard and you finished all the required reading on time.   Now we think you may be here by another fortnight.  Have you made any plans at all?   Marion will be here just before Memorial day for a week, then return to her school for the summer semester and go straight on till Jan when she hopes to get her master's degree.  Helen is looking forward to that brief week.

We drove to Gettysburg yesterday, with Helen & Geoff in their car,- a dampish cool May day with a sprinkle now and then but no heavy rain till night when we got a thundershower and down pour after bedtime.    The country there was very pretty,- redbud & dog wood still out,- it has gone here.  And the battle field just as it was nearly a hundred years ago.  They try to preserve it as it was, not allowing any buildings and keeping the same fields, woodlands and even replanting the orchards.  Except for the many huge and usually ugly statues, it might be the old town in which a big brick Lutheran seminary is the chief business of the place.    We lunched there and afterwards drove home a different way thru the Penn. Dutch farm country.  I thought of Dolores' folks,- all the farms had a strawberry patch.

Dad was supposed to go to Plummer's Is. to help in the annual clean-up today, but everything was so drenched that he thought it no use.  This P.M. he has gone down to spend a couple of hours at the Lib. of Congress.  Miss Atwood is critically ill, but still survives tho she can't eat or sleep much.  I don't know how much longer she will stand it.  Here comes Dad!
