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and once in a snow storm. It was sunset by the time we reached low ground. Helen kept saying that she wished Marion was along and I wished you could be too. Perhaps we will take the trip in part at least when you do come. I saw so many wild strawberries blooming that I ache to go back at berry time.

I am going to leave the rest for Dad when he comes home
                                                         Love Mother

Dear Doris:

Today was field day at Plummers Island, also our 29th wedding anniversary. I was not on the Committee, having graduated from that long ago, but as an unofficial member I took a pretty active part in the kitchen. I ate very moderately, only one piece of fish, a few potatoes, a little roe, and various pickles, olives, & onion sandwiches. Paul Russell was in charge and left out the beans, which was perhaps just as well; instead he brought cole slaw (1 gallon), practically all of which was consumed. Old Dr. Fisher (92, I believe) was bro't up in a White House car by Mr. Hassett, one of Truman's secretaries.

We have just finished spraying the peach trees for the 2d time. A fair number of fruit have set.

A prima is one of the primary divisions of a fern frond which is divided to the rachis. Your figure is correct. When homosporous spores produce prothallia bearing both antheridia & archegonia, I suppose the haploid spore must contain both male & female chromosomes. They can hardly be generated anew. - [[strikethrough]] J [[/strikethrough]] Dandelions are for the most part (the common species) not self-pollinated but apogamous; that is, they develop seed without actual fertilization of the pistil by the pollen. That would not prevent bees from visiting them & distributing pollen; it would simply be of null effect.
                                                       Love Dad