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make an all-metal molded and bonded plywood airplane at Nashua, New Hampshire, which was successfully flown in 1935. In 1936 Atwood was with the French & Heald Company of Milford, New Hampshire. 

Atwood continued his plastic research, and during World War II was with the Higgins Company in New Orleans, Louisiana, on the Government plywood PT boat program. From 1948 to 1958 he lived in Berryville and Green Forest, Arkansas, then in 1959 moved to Murphy, North Carolina, where he and his wife continued plastic research, and built a very unusual all-plastic residence around a swimming pool. After many years of these research developments Atwood passed away on July 14, 1967, at age 83. He was survived by his wife, two daughters and five grandchildren. Burial was in a nearby Hanging Dog Cemetery. He was a member of the Early Birds. 

Flying Pioneer, Early Bird Harry N. Atwood was truly one of the outstanding early aviators. He was probably the first pioneer pilot to attempt extended cross-country flying trips, and started these exploits in 1911 after very little flying experience and with absolutely no facilities along the routes, which made it truly a hazardous gamble. In 1911-1912 his flying feats were legend. Later he became a nationally recognized authority in plastic research accomplishments and held many patents in this field. His name will long be remembered in the annals of American aviation history.