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who gave him a ride. Beachey was eager to learn to fly, and because of his renown as an aeronaut, Curtiss apparently was interested in helping him. [[strikethrough]] There is evidence that [[/strikethrough]] Beachey [[strikethrough]] followed [[/strikethrough]] remained with Curtiss [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] and his [[strikethrough]] men [[/strikethrough]] group for the remainder of 1910, as a mechanic, occasionally getting a chance to try to fly, and usually smashing the machine.
Curtiss asked Beachey to replace Bud Mars at the Los Angeles Meet held at Dominguez Field December 24th, 1910, to January 3rd, 1911. [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] He had one smashup after another trying to learn to land, although he did success in making a few hops. No one could understand why Curtiss was allowing [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] Beachey to wreck so much equipment when he was so backward in learning to fly. From Los Angeles Beachey went to San Francisco where he did somewhat better [[strikethrough]] as a novice flyer [[/strikethrough]] at a meet held at Selfridge Field January 7th to 25th. There he made several half-mile straightaway hops and circled the course [[strikethrough]] under Curtiss' tutorage [[/strikethrough]]. Beachey then went to the Curtiss School at North Island, San Diego, California, for a brief period where his flying improved with instruction from Hugh Robinson and Curtiss. Following this he was sent to Florida to join McCurdy and was assigned to the Curtiss Exhibition Team. There he assisted McCurdy in his attempted flight from Key West, Florida, to Havana, Cuba, on January 30th, then he flew with McCurdy and Ward at the Havana Meet February 4th to 12th, [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] he was [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] beginning to really get the feel of the air and control of his machine.
[[strikethrough]] Next, [[/strikethrough]] Beachey and McCurdy flew at Tampa, Florida, from February 19th to March 1st, and while there Beachey made two flights at night, circling the Bay Hotel with acetylene lights on his plane. On March 2nd he flew alone at Orlando, Florida, then at Ocala on the 4th. March 9th to 11th he flew at Wilmington, North Carolina, with McCurdy [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] and on March 16th they were at Florence, South Carolina. March 30th to April 5th he flew at Pinehurst, North Carolina, with Ely; [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] on April 7th and 8th he flew alone at Greensboro, North Carolina; on April 9th he flew at Fayetteville, Tennessee, and then at Knoxville, Tennessee, with McCurdy. April 17th and 18th he was at Asheville, North Carolina, then at Nashville, Tennessee, April 27th to 29th with Ward and McCurdy. May 4th to 7th Beachey was at the Benning Race Track near Washington, D.C., flying