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five assistant instructors and a continually large [[strikethrough]]continually[[/strikethrough]] graduating class of students.  [[strikethrough]]Dual-control[[/strikethrough]] Beatty 35 Gyro-Wright with dual controls and Caudron-type tractor biplanes were used.  For advanced instruction they also had some special small single-seater tractor biplanes with Gnome engines.
     During 1915 Beatty also started an [[strikethrough]]aeroplane[[/strikethrough]] airplane parts business at Hendon which prospered through World War I, making wing and tail assemblies and doing various sub-contract work.  By 1916 the Beatty Flying School was probably the most popular one in England and going strong.  That year he saw the need for a good reliable training engine, so he designed and built one which was announced in January, 1917.  It was a rugged 4 spout cyl, 60 h.p., liquid cooked engine[[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]] weighing 225 pounds complete.  It is not known to what extent this engine was used in his school planes, nor how long he continued work on the project.  After World War-I the training business slumped and Beatty worked for the British Government for a time, [[strikethrough]]in[[/strikethrough]] closing out war contracts.  In the summer of 1919 he flew exhibitions in several countries on the Continent.  He remained in Europe until 1921, then returned to the United States for a visit.
     Following this, Beatty gave up flying, returned to Europe and went into the motorcycle engine business.  He soon gained prominence in this field, and in 1923 designed and built a special racing motorcycle which won the Tour de France that year.  He remained in the motorcycle business there until the business depression of 1929 forced him out of the field.
     Returning to the United States, Beatty did not find a permanent position until 1934 when he returned to the printing business with the Hughes Printing Company of East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.  He advanced rapidly to Superintendent with this firm and remained there until he passed away very unexpectedly, on February 20, 1955, at age 67.  He was survived by his wife, and was buried in Laurelwood Cemetery in East Stroudsburg.
     Early Bird and flying pioneer, George W. Beatty contributed a major share to early American aviation history and richly deserves great credit for his many flying accomplishments.  A very active pilot during the early days of aviation, he was best