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10    FLY MAGAZINE    April 1913

Pacific Slopes Mecca of Birdmen

WHILE the eastern fields are taking a vacation on account of the winter weather, there has been a general migration of birdmen to the warmer climes, and for the part month Sunset Aviation Field has been the center of much plain and spectacular flying, by both amateurs and professionals.

Harry Crawford, the young aviator who claims the honor of being the first to fly across San Francisco Bay and return without stopping, has been giving some original entertainments on every Sunday afternoon. On weekdays he has been busy instructing his three pupils, Fred Clevenger, from West Virginia; George Colan, from San Francisco, and Mr. Takasow.

The latter, Mr. Takasow, has become most proficient and has started out on an exhibition tour flying a modified Curtiss that he built under Mr. Crawford's direction, and which is an excellent piece of workmanship.

Aside from this, Crawford has found time to work on a biplane of his own design, and which he operates with a three-in-one control. It will be fitted with a 100-h. p. Hall-Scott motor, and is built to carry two passengers at a speed figured to be in the neighborhood of 90 m. p. h.

Robert Fowler, the coast-to-coast aviator, has located his big single-tractor biplane in one of the hangars and has been busily occupied in carrying passengers, many of whom were prominent leaders in the financial and social life of the bay cities. He has joined Crawford in the Sunday matinees, and together they have drawn a large crowd of spectators.

Sometimes Sutro or Christofferson flies over from the other side of the bay to join in the sport and is escorted part way home by their hospitable hosts.

This winter has proved very successful for Sunset Aviation Field and it is hoped that this spring will see it in a rank with the aerodromes of Long Island and Illinois.

Christofferson Active with Hydro-Aeroplane

SILAS CHRISTOFFERSON, the builder of the Christofferson Flying Boat, has added another use to those to which he puts his hydro-aeroplane and which promises to put the ferryboats out of business.

About four o-clock in the afternoon of February 16, Aviator Christofferson with Robert Fowler as a passenger, left the hangar at Harbor View and pointed the nose of their biplane towards Oakland. After a twenty-minute flight they glided across the estuary and over Peralta Park, then landed gracefully on Lake Merritt, coming to a stop on the west shore. After pulling the machine well up on the lawn they left their plane and took a waiting automobile, which whirled them away to the factory of the Hall-Scott Motor Car Company, where Mr. Christofferson's 120-h. p. Hall-Scott motor, that he will install in the new flying boat, was awaiting their inspection. 

Returning to the lake at about six in the evening, Christofferson gave a short exhibition, circling around the lake a number of times, dipping and turning like some giant night-hawk in search of a suitable resting place. On account of the darkness Christofferson was unable to do much fancy flying, but nevertheless the people flocked to the shore from all directions and seemed to be more satisfied with the performance.

The next day, Sunday, Christofferson returned home alone, leaving Oakland at about three in the afternoon and making the return trip in less than twenty minutes. 

Sutro Welcomes Liner

WELCOMED at the entrance of the Golden Gate by Aviator Sutro in his hydro-aeroplane, the big liner "Tahiti" arrived from Australia at noon on February 20, and was piloted to an anchorage off Meiggs' wharf by the daring birdman. The exhibition given by both Sutro and Christofferson is a common sight to the crews and passengers of the coasters passing in and out of San Francisco Bay, but it was an advent to the 160 passengers on the New Zealand liner, and they cheered enthusiastically while Sutro dipped gracefully over and about the ship.

Clement Bayard Wins Suit

A verdict in favor of M. Clement Bayard has been given by the Compiègne Civil Tribunal in his suit against M. Coquerel, who was ordered to remove the barbed wire and spiked railings which separate his property from M. Bayard's dirigible sheds at La Motte-Breuil. M. Coquerel, who intends to appeal against the verdict, was also sentenced to pay for the repairs to the dirigible Dupuy-de-Lome, which was recently torn in striking against the railings. For every day during which the railings remain standing, M. Coquerel must pay $5, and at the end of the month M. Clement Bayard will have the right to tear them down himself.