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plant of the Glenn L. Martin Company, Omaha, Nebraska.

During World War II Day was a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force, having been made Major in 1941. About 1946 he moved to Pacific Palisades, California, to do aircraft research and development work. He had a siege in the hospital in 1952 and passed away at his home on May 26, 1955, at age 70. He was survived by his wife. Services were held on May 29th at the Moeller, Murphy and Moeller Funeral Chapel in Santa Monica, California, with a number of Early Birds in attendance, after which his remains were cremated at The Chapel of the Pacific, Woodlawn Cemetery at Santa Monica. Following this the ashes were sent air express for burial in the Day family plot in Greenmont Cemetery, Dansville, New York.

Day was a founding member of the Early Birds and the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, and a member of the Quiet Birdmen. At times both Mr. and Mrs. Day wrote articles on aviation for various publications. 

Flying Pioneer, Early Bird Charles H. Day was truly one of the greats of the early American aviation industry. Starting [[strikethrough]] at its very beginning [[/strikethrough]] in the first decade of practical aviation he devoted a long active lifetime to aircraft design, development and production procedure. Reportedly, he was responsible for over 25 distinctly different successful [[strikethrough]] aero [[/strikethrough]] airplanes during his long and noteworthy career, certainly a most creditable record. Well-known, his accomplishments were legend and few men indeed contributed more to the early progress of American aviation history.