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from the ice, to become quite possibly the first lady passenger to make a flight in New York State. Miss Scrafford later became Mrs. Johnson. I March Johnson and the Thomas Brothers left Bath for New Orleans, Louisiana for a two months exhibition tour of Louisiana and Mississippi. There Johnson made many successful flights at fairs and carnivals, but soon learned that more power was needed to operate out a small fields under adverse conditions. 
As a result the Thomas Brother returned to Bath and started the construction of an all new plans with a 6 cyl. Kirkhan engine. John completed the southern contracts and returned to Bath on May 11th, 1911. Following test flights of the new plane later that month Johnson made the very first successful aeroplane flights in the vicinity of Buffalo, New York when he flew at Fort Erie Beach during the week of June 7th and then for the week of June 19th at Ontario Beach Park. Following this Johnson returned to Bath for more test flights, then gave an exhibition at Warren, Pennsylvania on July 4th. August 6th he flew from Savona, New York to Hammondsport to pay Glenn Curtiss a visit, then returned to Savona. On August 7th Johnson started a weeks exhibition engagement at Dansville, New York, August 19th he was at Lake Lodore, Pennsylvania and on August 23rd at Butler, Pennsylvania. Starting August 28th he made daily flights at Hornell, New York, the appeared at Carlisle, Pennsylvania on September 27th.
During the late Fall of 1911 preparations were made to start a flying school and in January, 1912 Johnson began instructing off the ice of nearby Lake Salubria, using a machine fitted with a novel dual control arrangement for training. The instructor and student each had their own seats with identical complete controls side by side but seperated by some two or three feet. His first students were Earl Beers, Frank Burnside, Charles Niles, Ralph Brown and D.C. Patmore. That Spring floats were fitted to this plane and hydro instruction was also given. The school grew, the company started to build additional planes and in the Spring of 1912 Johnson again flew exhi-